So disturbing.
The media will trot out her speech. On cue the sentimental and non critical thinking America will gush with emotion.
The media says that the woman in the picture should run for President in #2020 based on a speech she gave at the #goldenglobes.
This speech was inspired by the #metoo campaign. This campaign was nothing more than #mccarthyism in a skirt.
The man in the photo is Harvey Weinstein, one of the wealthiest, if not THE wealthiest men in Hollywood. He was the first filthy rich pervert to be kicked out of Hollywood after he was accused of sexual impropriety.
He was probably guilty. But that’s not why he was kicked out of Hollywood. He was ousted for financial reasons. In fact most of the men that were kicked out after him were kicked out for the same reason. Financial. Money. Someone wants more of whatever money is coming out of Hollywood and these men, like Weinstein, were in the way.
But who? Who would want access to the money , the media, the industry, its power and influence over the marshmallows that are the American hive mind ? Who?
This picture not only tells a story of this woman’s deep hypocrisy. But the fact that she would give that speech knowing that this picture is out there shows her hubris. Hubris without shame, just like someone else, who happens to sit in the Oval Office ( when he feels like it ).
She has a history of treating her friends and staff poorly. Just like someone else we know. She is yet another billionaire willing to slide into position to do the bidding of the oligarchs who run Hollywood , so why not the government? Just like someone else we know.
I heard the exact same speech spoken in broken English by a school teacher. If our voting infrastructure wasn’t run by the unConstitutional Department of Homeland Security and I knew that we actually had a legitimate electoral system, I’d vote for *her* before I would ever vote for the woman in the photo.
For she is, and what she represents is, the antithesis to a functioning government or a semblance of a democracy: billionaires making heavy-handed stump speeches at awards ceremonies and then the propaganda artists and their machine spinning out the message, cue-ing the violins to string us along emotionally.