President Barack Obama was photographed on hands and knees in the Oval Office playing funny face with a baby. The New York Times droned on about his accomplishments and how he was a class act in the face of extreme prejudice and obstructionism. The collective “awwww” of the entire nation, Republicans and Democrats alike, followed immediately with “I’m really going to miss that man,” were a unified voice of reason against the backdrop of a 2 term Glass Ceiling Shatterer: the First African American as President. This will set the precedence for the First Woman President and these are the absolutes which we shall not question.
The willfully ignorant give rise to fascism.
In his two terms, President Barack Obama had every opportunity to ratify and challenge the Crime Bill, enforced upon us by the First Clinton Administration. This bill which makes modern day slavery legal incentivized the for profit prison and police industrial complex by making it legal for the African Americans in our country to become the private cash cow for an industry largely ruled by white billionaires. Taking money from police and prison lobbyists, he fast tracked the buildout of new prisons to keep the African American community from becoming a direct threat to our job market by infiltrating our educational system thus giving them the same opportunity through education that our white students have. 2.2 million inmates, largely African American, are kept in cages and their voices and votes are muted because of this bloated bill that has allowed slavery to continue its reign upon us as it did over 150 ago. For it is estimated that each inmate is worth $30,000 — $40,000 to the prison industrial complex. Discretionary funding is poured into the coffers of this industry and the black man, as he continues to vote against his best interest, is a willfully ignorant participant in this industry to keep slavery relevant and legal. For the Civil War was not about freeing the black man from their oppressors, it was about sharing the wealth. The South were experiencing immense wealth from free labor on the backs of black men and women and the North wanted to cash in, so they exploited the idea that all humans are created equal. We know that the continued executions of black men by police, and we know that the targeting of them for the cash they produce to the industrialized police and prison complex is just business as usual, while placing us as the most militant nation on the globe. This will prevail, for you are the willfully ignorant democrat manufacturing consent for the rise of fascism. And if you are a black democrat who continues to vote in office the Barack Obama’s or the HIllary Clinton’s of the world who take money from the lobbyists for this particular industry, then you are slaves beholden to your owners, have fallen prey to propagandized ideology, have been duped by your jailers and your owners. You are not free. When you are chased in the street and shot in the face and your assassins are celebrated as heroes, and you continue to vote their employer into office then you have no one but yourselves to blame. You, along with every willfully ignorant democrat, give rise to fascism.
The willfully ignorant give rise to fascism.
Donald Trump is a ruse and a farce, a propagandized joke meant to scare us into voting for Hillary Clinton. His supporters are uneducated and unaware of the machinations and inner workings of politics. They are ignorant and emotional and lash out due to the disastrous laws that your fascist vote has allowed. But you, democrat, with your world view and your advanced education, are willfully ignorant. You would rather laugh at, and point fingers at a group of people who represent the voice of millions of Americans who have been disenfranchised. Donald Trump is not the fascist dictator that you have decided to hold up as the clownish Hitler of the modern age. He represents what you voted into office, democrat. He represents the billions of dollars that are poured into austerity programs while those you have voted into office have slashed funding for educational programs, health programs, environmental programs. You are the willfully ignorant that has given rise to fascism. And without even realizing it you proudly display this when you intelligence-shame those who stay above the fray and refuse to “ get in line” with propaganda and manufactured consent. You would prefer to repudiate click bait articles that talk about Hillary Clinton’s fat butt, rather than discuss the fact that her Vice President wants to defund Planned Parenthood, your particular liberal agenda, for example. You are petty, ignorant, wasteful of your vote, and willfully ignorant. You give rise to fascism and we are tinkering on the brink of it because of you.
The willfully ignorant give rise to fascism.
The manufactured story goes that President Barack Obama was kept bound and gagged by a Republican ruling Congress that wouldn’t allow him to pass any progressive, reformed agenda. He had the majority vote for Medicare For All, a health initiative enjoyed by modern nations across the globe. Instead he decided to shred it, throw it in the face of the American people, and opted for the program that was first designed by a right wing think tank, The Heritage Foundation. This new program, Obamacare, keeps the pharmaceutical and insurance industries and various medical industries bloated and happy, for they are his (and Hillary Clinton’s) donors. The willfully ignorant give rise to fascism as they learn from propagandized commercials how the Obamacare health program has given hope to so many underprivileged in our country. As those in Finland, Sweden, Germany and Canada might say, democratic Americans who voted for the man who shredded a superior health program in favor of a program designed to keep the medical corporations in extreme and obscene wealth have given rise to fascism.
The willfully ignorant give rise to fascism.
President Barack Obama and Senator Bernie Sanders had every opportunity to prove that they were the “class acts” we have been told they are by openly condemning the DNC and the rigged primaries. But in typical fashion, it is business as usual in the Democratic Party so they remain taciturn and glibly silent on the subject. They seem willfully ignorant of campaign sabotage, voter obstruction, electoral fraud, questionable exit polls, and they thus give rise to fascism. Senator Bernie Sanders handed his 13 million newly registered Democrat voters over to a party that willfully embraces the rise of fascism.
The willfully ignorant give rise to fascism.
In her famous AIPAC speech a few months ago Hillary Clinton spoke of her desire to rise as a fascist. Her obvious ravenous longing for power, the insidious glint in her eye as she shouted for the heads of all terrorists, was not unlike how she shouted for the head of Edward Snowden, who exposed the NSA for breaching the Constitutional rights of every American citizen. The willfully ignorant who vote for this maniacal woman who creates a vacuum of terror and decimation in everything she touches, give rise to fascism. She promised to funnel billions of US dollars and military weapons and armed support into the grabby and ever-insatiable hands of Benjamin Netanyahu, who continues to this day to violate UN treaties by occupying Palestinian land. She funnels military weapons into the hands of Saudi Arabia who then sells the weapons to terrorist organizations. But the willfully ignorant who aren’t aware that President Barack Obama has kept us at war in at least seven different regions throughout his 2 term presidency under the guise of “Operation Inherent Resolve” and is at the expense of $8 million per day and paid for in the form of American tax dollars, don’t see that Hillary Clinton will do even more of exactly the same. They will vote for her and she will be President and thus they give rise to fascism.
The willfully ignorant give rise to fascism.
The subject matter of exposed emails, the fact that Hillary Clinton unknowingly breached national security through the use of her private server, is an alarm that democrats choose to ignore, and their willful ignorance gives rise to fascism. The Iranian scientist who recently was executed by hanging for accusations of being a spy, was mentioned in multiple exposed emails on Hillary Clinton’s private unsecured server. But the willfully ignorant will somehow make excuses because they are with her and this will give rise to fascism.
The willfully ignorant give rise to fascism.
The “Stronger Together” theme that the United States will see over the next three months as Hillary Clinton plays the role of “campaigning for the President “ is the message of unity between the Democratic and Republican parties, and it is not meant for the American people for they are too stupid to see its true meaning, but meant for the world at large.
The willfully ignorant do not see this manufactured rise of fascism, for this theme is the message of party Unity: the United States is a war profiteering mangler of human rights, a corrupted society that manufactures consent through fear mongering and Brand Clinton while capitalism runs rough shod over the American people, especially the middle class; it runs amok, wildly exploiting our civil liberties while maintaining a global military presence for no other reason than to keep the industry alive and thriving, in continued destruction of our planet and people and peace.
Oh, but look at that cute picture of Hillary holding her grandbaby. Or, that cute photo of Barack making funny face to a baby in the Oval Office. Emotional manipulation of my vote is more important than manufactured consent for the rise of populism, and fascism.
Vote for Jill Stein as if your life depended on it, because it does. ( Or don’t and remain willfully ignorant of manufacturing consent for fascism.