Tamika Mallory, Carmen Perez and Linda Sarsour are the 3 women who came up with the idea for yesterday’s Women’s March.
Trump just signed legislation dissolving the Violence Against Women Act. That’s why I marched.
Cecile Richards,CEO of Planned Parenthood may lose all funding which would go to keeping women safe and healthy and alive. That’s why I marched.
It was a march to protest the fact that whitehouse.gov no longer has a civil rights section but has been replaced with verbiage that is nationalistic and gives the police militarized power. That’s why I marched.
I wanted to see #blackbloc protect the peaceful protestors from police brutality. Which they did. I saw it. I marched.
I wanted to parrot the words of Chris Hedges and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders. That’s why I marched.
I want the corporate interests that control our government removed. I want citizens united out. That’s why I marched.
I don’t want a Muslim registry. This isn’t 1940’s Germany for fuck sake. That’s why I marched.
Black and brown lives are targeted by police to infuse slave labor into our for-profit Prison industry. I marched because their lives matter. They do. Get over it. Now march.
For the men and women who are too uninformed, live in glass houses, too self involved , too privileged to be bothered, or choose to remain factually ignorant of the policies and politics that is setting our world on a lightning speed trajectory to the bottom, I marched. Just as it is my choice to be self actualized and informed, it is your choice to judge. For that freedom of choice, I marched.
I want the Clean Air Act to remain In tact and to be improved upon. That’s why I marched.
I marched for my friends who can’t because they are disabled and couldn’t make it out. I marched for them.
I marched for men, men of color, gay men, men of the cloth, mentally and physically disabled men, even men who voted for Hillary or Trump. I marched.
I marched to stop the Oil industry’s push for more oil. No. More. War. So I marched.
I marched to tell off Obama for putting our surveillance state on steroids, shredding habeus corpus, the Geneva convention, the Nuremberg tribunal, detonating our fourth and first Amendment rights and throwing the American people into an abysmal dystopian reality. He is a sociopath and I marched to expose him and all sociopaths who run our government for who they are. I marched.
I marched to hold Wasserman Schultz, Brazile and the media accountable for colluding to manipulate a gullible American public to vote for Hillary. I called them out on their failed tactics and I marched.
I marched for water. We are losing our water. I marched for the fighters fighting to keep our water clean and potable. I marched for those who have irreparable and damaging health problems because they have no clean water. Water is life so I marched.
I marched for the Earth, for the people, all people. The people of the future and the past. I marched for the animals. Stop eating them. I marched.
I marched for ideas not yet had which could change the world. I marched. I march. I will march again. And I will teach that marching is sometimes all you can do and people may try to tell you it’s not enough.
But on January 21, 2017, 2.7 million human beings across the world came out and marched and we will keep marching until the time comes we may never need to march again.
Until then, I march.