
Welcome to “Pullquote”, an interview series from book of ours. We talk to people from all walks of life about culture, psychology, art, music and current topics. So join us for “Pullquote” a program of compelling conversations.
Upcoming Guests
7/14/21 Helen Buyniski Independent Journalist – Helen of Destroy
7/20/21 Jeff Kaye Commentator/Blogger (Psychologist)
7/28/21 Hrvoje Moric Host of Geopolitics & Empire
8/4/21 Hiroyuki Hamada Artist, Writer, Commentator
8/11/21 Sean Gibson Director of the Josh Gibson Foundation
9/1/21 Andrew Kaufman MD Psychologist, Commentator
9/8/21 Vanessa Beeley Independent Journalist – The Wall Will Fall
9/27/21 Christiane Northrup Women’s Health Expert, Author, Commentator
10/6/21 Judith Turner & Ramona Elizabeth Activists – South Side Fresh Market
Past Guests
Rosemary Frei – Independent Journalist
David Whitehead – Video Podcaster of “Truth Warrior”
Paul Cudenec – Author and Writer from Winter Oak
Julianne Romanello – Education Researcher and Activist
Kevin Jenkins – Director of Urban Global Health Alliance
Kilgore Rand – Director of I Do Not Comply
Guy Crittenden
Guy Crittenden is is a writer and activist who specializes in environmental and spiritual themes. After a life-changing trip trekking the Amazon rainforest in late 2013, he left his corporate journalism job to become a freelance writer and activist.
That experience led to his first book which was published in 2018: The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls, which won him the Silver Medal at the Independent Book Publisher Awards.
In the age of COVID, Guy formed a protest group and led peaceful demonstrations against government lockdown policies.
His writings can be found on his website: HipGnosis and the Canadian protest newspaper Druthers. He currently lives with his second wife in Latin America.
You can find out more about Guy Crittenden at: hipgnosis.co
Druthers: druthers.net
Restaurant Edition
In this edition of “Pullquote” we talk about restaurants that stayed open during the COVID mandated closings. We talk to two women Kimberly Waigand owner of The Crack’d Egg in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Kate Feathers former manager and server at Rise ‘N Shine Cafe in Asheville, North Carolina. We’ll talk about what they went through and where they are now.
John Steppling
In this edition of “Pullquote” we talk to John Steppling. John is an American playwright and screenwriter and is an original founding member of the Padua Hills Playwrights Festival and is artistic director of the theatre collective Gunfighter Nation.
His plays include The Shaper, Dream Coast, Standard of the Breed, The Thrill, Wheel of Fortune, Dogmouth, and Phantom Luck.
Steppling hosts the podcast Aesthetic Resistance and is a frequent guest on Press TV.
Julianne Romanello
In this edition of “Pullquote” we talk to Julianne Romanello. During her time as a visiting professor at The University of Tulsa she witnessed the school’s sudden shift from a renowned liberal arts university to a skills-focused cog of the P20 pipeline. The school was being reengineered to support the growth of the tech, defense and sustainability industries right before her eyes.
She began to recognize equally disturbing and remarkably similar “reimagination” campaigns at other universities, but also at public schools and chambers of commerce.
She has identified the P20 pipeline as the tool technocrats are using to shape the education and development of children so they may one day fill the jobs that will usher in the fourth industrial revolution.
Paul Cudenec
Paul is a long-time English journalist and community activist who, eight years ago, went off to live in the French countryside and write books about anarchist metaphysics. But the political world caught up with him and in recent years he has been busy reporting on Giles Jaunes (Yellow Vest) protests, exposing climate capitalists and denouncing the Great Fascist Reset via the Winter Oak website.