Dear Charlie,
Before you blocked us you said “What do you think?” It doesn’t matter why you blocked us or why we (the royal “we”) blocked you. I don’t like you anyway. But, despite my personal dislike of you I’m against blocking in general.
You asked me what I think in reference to COVID19.
It was a good question, full of merit.
I think it’s bullshit Charlie, this COVID19. I think of it as a marketing campaign. I think, I believe, it to be a hoax. I could load you up with websites and white papers to prove it, and show you proven past medical hoaxes that have been played out on the public, but that’s not what you asked me Charlie. You asked me what I think. In fact when I jammed up your comments with all those experts who I hold in such high regard you again asked me, irritatingly, “Yes, but what do you think?”
I think it’s complete bullshit, the entire thing. That’s what I think. Yes, the whole kit and kaboodle. I think the large swath of the population that believes in COVID19 and embrace the choatic and gas-lighting measures that come with it, have lost their collective mind, lost their capacity to think on their own and lost their voice and power. For this reason alone I tend to think they are unstable, untrustworthy and capable of dragging all of humanity down with them.
I also think there are a few that will not go down without a fight. Personally Charlie, I think you and I should step out of the way when that happens. I think those people come from all stripes and I think I have to get over my own ideologies and what I thought were “correct minded convictions” to align with them.
I think it’s time to align with the strong, the brave, the true , the talented and the wise.
I think, Charlie, we are living in a pressure cooker, in this United States. I think Italy, London, Germany, Toronto, Spain and a host of other cities and countries all over the world that have gathered together, to announce their disgust with the COVID19 measures their respective bodies of government have imposed on them, have the right idea. I think they understand that without getting together their communities could also become dangerous pressure cookers. I think the United States needs to start getting together and defying COVID19 measures. But I think the average United States citizen doesn’t think. Like you Charlie, I think a few are wrapped in their privilege and even though people like you only make up a small percentage of the population, the remainder are too traumatized and uneducated to know when they are being lied to.
I think whatever energy they do have should be held in reserve to stand against real oppression and real fascism, but that energy is being co-opted into illegitimate movements. I think these movements are proxy armies distracting from certain anti-life measures that are casting us into poverty and misery. I think these armies are doing it consciously and through slick marketing campaigns can lure the unconscious in.
I think the Fourth Estate should be held accountable in a higher court. They are lying to us, confusing us, every single day. They host those who would advocate for crimes against humanity on their platforms, they quote them in their articles and they lift them up as the experts in their field. I think they all need to be in handcuffs.
I think the Common Good that everyone talks about is the same common good that called for public floggings, burning women at the stake, acts of public humiliation, extreme acts of violence for sport, targeting of minorities, and throwing people in the stockades. All of these deplorable acts were committed by humans just like you, Charlie, in the name of the Common Good.
I think the language that the Fourth Estate uses to target those who do not engage in COVID19 measures is meant to incite violence against an already vulnerable population. I think the diagnoses these articles make, which are often written by AI, are ludicrous and founded in nothing more than random words picked out of the algorithm bin. Words accusing someone like me as “anti-social”, [“callous[ness], deceitful[ness], hostile, impulsive, irresponsible manipulative, and risk-taking”] have no merit in individual lives and circumstances.
I think human beings are not one size fits all.
And yet, the state and its attack dog, the Fourth Estate would prefer I set myself on fire to keep you warm, Charlie. I think I need to make it clear: I will never set myself on fire to keep anyone warm. I think though, this might give someone, someday, an excuse to set me on fire.
I think we are going medieval and I think, Charlie, the bloodlust and depravity as a result of trauma and mind control is on the rise.
You see, Charlie, I actually think the state has done a number on its own people, and you. In fact, I think most of the acts of violence that we’ve heard of over the years through the media are lies. School shootings, movie theater shootings, mall shootings, planes slamming into buildings, I think they were mostly manufactured crises meant to terrorize and traumatize the population to ready them, prime them if you will, tenderize them for this very moment we are all living right now.
I think the citizens should start filing fraudulent charges against their governments for violations of human rights. Even though I don’t think it will do any good, I think they should do it anyway.
I think the United States population is docile and easily manipulated.
You asked me what I think. So I am telling you what I think.
I think more people should start having their opinion about whatever it is they want to have an opinion about, and be given the space to have that opinion. As long as those opinions aren’t advocating violence. I think too many people are editing themselves. I think it’s dangerous when people do that. I think I should be able to disagree with you without the block option. I think the block option on social media can be cowardly and dangerous. I think it’s more important to have discussions, like adults.
Imagine if we started blocking people in real life.. Oh wait, we are already blocking each other in real life. I think the state is doing that for us by forcing us all inside and to mask up so we don’t talk to each other. I think people are secretly relieved they don’t have to deal with certain people they don’t like in those certain circumstances: at work, at church services, at community meetings, at neighborhood events, at concert venues, etc. I think the heavy use of the social media block option was the permission the state needed from us to start the real-life blocking from each other.
I think we taught the algorithm and I think we are still teaching algorithms. I think we will be discarded once the AI is complete.
I think the entire globe is being treated like an “at will” employee and doesn’t understand that the merging of corporations and government, is as Mussolini said, fascism. I think people are misguided when it comes to believing their pathetic little vote is actually going to make a difference when the mergers have already happened and the sovereignty of humanity has already been balanced against profit margins.
I think a lot of people waste their energy on either doing nothing, or doing too much of something that won’t fix the real problems, like sinkholes in our streets. I think we will be funneled into an avatar un-life, an anti-life, and all around us the infrastructure will crumble and deteriorate but we will be mainlining into our Zoom calls, social media scores, and dopamine-like nudges that we won’t notice.
I think, Charlie, eventually only one class of people will have access to actual life: parks, festivals, gatherings, wide open spaces, stand alone homes, and a sense of freedom and exploration. I think you might live in that class Charlie, and I think you are creating that class divide knowingly.
I think we have been regime changed and I think it started with the Clinton Administration, although I’m sure it started long before then. In the Spring of 2020 they lifted the cover of fake democracy and showed us that we have actually been occupied by literal fascists. That’s what I think, Charlie.
I also think we allowed the elderly to be murdered in their care homes. And now, Charlie, I think we’re going to allow the kids to be culled into something so anti-life that they will wish for death. I think, to be honest, there are worse things than death. And I think humanity is very weak minded and too afraid to face that notion.
I think humanity is on the brink, Charlie. I think most people don’t realize what’s truly at stake.
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