#obama drank the Flint, MI water and said it was fine, not to mention all of the pernicious underhanded acts of covert violence he waged on the American population. #bush said we had to suspend our individual sovereignty to wage war on the feeling of terrorism. #clinton signed off on the crime bill which overpopulated our prison system and made us the most incarcerated / imprisoned nation on the globe, and the rate of child hunger rose to levels never seen before during his administration.
These three fascists are now trending on social media and state corporate sponsored propaganda media. Their “common good” feel food language as being the first to bravely take the vaccine is meant to further oppress you. There is a reason they are being used. They are always used to oppress and gaslight an unsuspecting and trusting population. Their goal is to lead you into further oppression and immiseration.
Book of Ours brings you two video essays which showcase the duplicity of these three former presidents. The first, Lifelong Learning, was produced a few months ago. In this video we show all three presidents and how each of their administrations has attacked children through ruthless corporate policy.
The second, The Truth, is our newest video essay, does the same through the explanation of what the Defense Production Act is. The Defense Production Act has given government the doorway into every single facet of your life, from your personal life to your professional life. And these three presidents, yet again, are taking shots at you, and winning.
We are making The Truth available to the public one week early. Watch both video essays I’ve linked in this post.
Book of Ours are working artists and could really use your help. By becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/bookofours you can help support us as we continue to archive history in unique and creative ways through our video essays in the Age of Covid. You can find all of our work at http://www.youtube.com/bookofours.