As of midnight on December 12, 2020 the state of Pennsylvania has been ordered to bludgeon themselves to death again by the Missing In Action Governor Wolf. Among a whole host of anti-life gibberish-ey decrees, this second unlawful closure of Pennsylvania’s essential infrastructure includes banning people from dining indoors. This “ban” comes just in time for the Holidays and won’t end until January 4, 2021.
How do I put this delicately?
None of this bullshit is remotely legal. There is no proof of claim that a second lockdown is even needed. There was no proof of claim that the first lockdown was needed. We are not and never have been in an emergency health crisis. You have been lied to, gaslighted, toyed with, fucked over and the mother fuckers are laughing at you while this happens:

What’s wrong? You don’t know what words mean? What this headline is telling you is that very wealthy people are stealing your life, your money, your business, your future and the government, currently occupied by corporate mafia, is allowing this to happen. They laugh all the way to the bank while you dutifully allow them to trash your life.
Regarding these announcements that you must hurl yourself into destitution again just in time for the Holidays, Governors do not sit on their golden mountaintops inside their mansions issuing decrees across their lands like they are Emperors or Kings, forcing the peasants to cower to their psychopathic whims. There is a legislative process that must be followed and I am stunned every single day how little Americans understand what basic law actually means.
This isn’t a teaching blog post. I’m not here to teach you something that your Civics teacher should have taught you in Grade 8.
This blogpost is a rant.
At this point, if you’re a small business and you’re succumbing to this nonsense then you’re either stupid, or collaborating, or you’re getting a big fat cash infusion from the government for following these insane decrees.
This is the kind of bullshit social media marketing I’m talking about.

“Take Out” and “Curbside” is not life. It’s anti-life. Congregating, getting together, sitting at a table and talking is actually life. Some of the most impressive and progressive ideas come out of sitting at a table in a third space (not your home, not your office). Humans need to interact with one another in order to survive. If not, the species dies out.
You should know this by now.
OF COURSE I want every small business to make it in life and keep going. I’ve started neighborhood organizations where I champion the small business infrastructure of this country. It’s the backbone of the middle class, after all. But the following is something you need to know:
There are small restaurants and coffee shops all over the country that can afford expensive renovations, and can even afford to open second or third locations in the middle of the greatest economic crisis in the history of mankind.

How is that possible? That question is answered here, in this 15 minute video.
Don’t feel like taking 15 minutes to watch the video that might actually teach you something? Fine. What the video says is that every business in our country is now government owned and occupied. There’s no way small businesses can survive the biggest economic crisis in the history of mankind without some sort of government-backed loan, which means that the government, like the mafia, owns your business. Most likely some corporation has bought a stake in these government backed loans.
We’re living in a mafiacracy, Peeps. And your trendy little vegan restaurant is a collaborator. Because within this mafiacracy you have to put on a suffocation device and act like a god damn whipped slave just to go get a veggie burger. Sounds a little too fascist for my taste. So..
Fuck that.
All those cute cafes and restaurants that take such pretty pictures on their social media pages and happily say they allow pick-up or curbside are most likely doing just fine financially and don’t even need your business. As long as they follow the rules and stay online they’ll get their cash infusion and the mafia, I mean the government, will let them stay open for business. And when your Emperor With No Clothes (Governor) takes his orders from those investors, that’s when you know you’ll get to mask up and douse down in chemicals and walk like a slave to sit at a table indoors.

There are some little upstarts who are putting a crack in that fucked up system. Maybe they took the loan. Maybe they didn’t. Who knows.
But what I do know is they’ve made it VERY CLEAR on their social media posts that they are not capitulating to another gibberish-ey, baseless closure of their right to life and the right to pursue their life’s work.

The Crack’d Egg will save the world and they may not even know it.
There’s something happening called “social equity” or some people call it “sustainable development.” Other people call it “the New World Order.” Here, let Rosa Koire tell you what it means. Yes, we put pretty pictures to her message:
Does The Crack’d Egg have an idea of the larger more sinister actions at play here? Maybe they do. Maybe they don’t.
But, by defying these orders of a forceful shove to close their doors to the public, they are helping to prohibit or at least slow down these fascist goals from coming to fruition.
Forcing people into city blocks of surveillance and control and tagging their very existence is what’s happening right now all across the world. It’s happening because the greatest hoax and marketing campaign ever created, or the greatest regime change operation is clearing out the outside suburbs and townships and boroughs by shutting down small business infrastructure. This forces people to relocate and move into more urban areas where the shops and stores and basic necessities of life are available. For a price, though. That price is your sovereignty. That price is your pride. Throwing a mask on your face may not seem like a big deal to you. But it is. You are being trained to despise your own sovereignty. It’s the first step in normalizing humiliation, control and enslavement.
Maybe you should have paid closer attention in your History 101 Class in Grade 9 when this very tactic was used to break slaves down.

Places like The Crack’d Egg that operate within the County (Allegheny) but just outside of the City Center, in this case Pittsburgh, where these profit-off-your-life-and-teach-you-how-to-be-a-slave models are being rolled out right now are going to save the world.
I am not exaggerating. As long as The Crack’d Egg stays open we have a chance at humanity. As long as The Crack’d Egg stays open and continues to buck “mask mandates” or “closure decrees,” this keeps people from being shepherded like sheep right into the clutches of these concentrated camps of varying stages of oppression, with bike lanes of course.
If places like The Crack’d Egg go away, then humans will gravitate into these compact areas for socialization. Because that’s what humans do. That’s what humans want. They crave socialization and face-to-face interaction without a mask, without control, without surveillance. They will be forced to wear a mask for the rest of their lives & capitulate to more and more oppressive measures to justify their existence. But as long as these small businesses in the outer regions of our city centers continue to buck this oppressive system we have a fighting chance to preserve humanity.
We have a fighting chance to preserve the single most important thing that makes us human: to be of use on our own conditions and to congregate.
So, go visit The Crack’d Egg.

I recommend their biscuits. They’ll melt in your mouth. Leave your mask at home.
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