Whether you are new to this platform or you have been supporting, sharing and following our work for some time, over the last few years we have been creating more relevant content than we ever have in light of the current alarming and sometimes even comical situations we are going through in the United States and throughout the world.
This of course has made us a target.
YouTube’s latest round of target practice is to de-monetize our account. This isn’t surprising and although we never made any money with Google/YouTube, we still wanted to share this email that came through while we were sleeping:

At the same time, they wanted to make doubly sure that our most popular video essay, The New Constitution: Living War Crimes (You can watch it here, still):
has also been de-monetized:

As you can see, the claim is that our most popular video has some support music in it which is under copyright protection. That is false. All of our media is sourced from a free service where the musicians support creatives, like us, to use their music for free with no copyright issues. We have disputed similar allegations against us with YouTube and the claim has been released (in other words, we won the dispute).
At the exact same time this was happening, our July 2020 video “Population Reduction” was removed.

After listening to the video, which is only 15 minutes and which you can now watch here on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v4c5pti-population-reduction.html you may be able to ascertain that the reason for removing this seemingly innocuous stream of consciousness was because Julie mentions Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and also mentions religions other than Christianity.
Although we are not voting for RFK, Jr., YouTube probably assumed it was a political post because he announced his candidacy last year, a full three years after this short video was produced and years before we really even knew who he was.
Furthermore, Julie also mentions religions other than Christianity. Many Christian platforms have been allowed to stay on YouTube fairly unscathed because they exercise their Freedom of Religion under their Freedom of Speech rights. But, since our platform is secular in nature, we get the double whammy.
And because we are secular, many Christians who rightly stand on the right side of history regarding this apocalyptic nature of our current Administration and all its Federal and local State appendages, have also attacked us and turned their back on us. Not very Christ-like, right?
The question burns through our consciousness on a daily basis and sets a fire under the viewers of our platform: How can a secular platform that offers critical analysis through the mundane, describing the evolution of capitalism as it is, survive when the entire world has been cast under the Christian spell of the “Gotcha!” truisms?
We are set apart.
We are denied visibility, which is a very kind way of saying we are outright censored and assassinated under this “death by a thousand cuts” program and not just because we are speaking outside of the prevailing medical or capitalist narrative. We are being executed slowly and painfully, the droplets of life-blood, our exceedingly well thought-out and creative narrative vanishing before these robust thoughts even hit the ground as the blade cuts further into our neck also because we often discuss the nature of capitalism which has its roots in fascism. We illuminate the downtrodden by describing how the creation of poverty is an inherited function in the United States citizens’ DNA.
But we are breaking these tried and true machinations which have allowed the few to become grotesquely wealthy straight on the backs of the many, whose lashes of slavery and poverty have ripped through the flesh and embedded in the marrow of humans, for generations.
And we, Book of Ours are an abomination because we are pushing out Enlightenment before Christianity. In this modern day Crusades-gone-awry, we stand utterly and completely alone, the steely warriors of Christ gutting us to our core.
When we finally said, “Enough of being the victim of Capitalism. Here. Let’s describe it as it is,” we never shouted it, screamed it or even showed a lot of emotions around it. We quietly stepped aside and encouraged others to step aside also.
And for that, we are being punished.
But, you can alleviate this punishment a little bit You can continue to share our work. You can comment and offer your own insight, and of course you can support us in any way you can.
So far PayPal is still a good option: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/bookofours, you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/bookofours, you can make a small donation through cashapp at $bookofours or you can send us donations in the mail. Email us at info@book-of-ours.com for our snail mail address.
We’ve always wondered how it is that some platforms can survive. They seem to rattle off trade secrets or shed light on the dark underpinnings of how our country is run, or spell out the names of shrouded figures mysteriously making back alley deals and yet these platforms continue on unscathed, generating more followers and what’s even more shocking is they earn a living off their platforms.
How is that possible?
The only answer is that they are allowed to and we are not. Somehow they have curried favor. I can speculate the reasons why but I honestly don’t care. Most of them don’t go as deep or as nuanced as we do. Most of them are irritating and kind of stupid to be honest. And they are all hysterical. And, they always punctuate the end of their interviews, commentary, podcasts or work with something having to do with their religion which is always Christianity.
Outside of the undermining of our platform which is the absolute detonation of our imprint on your consciousness, we have been personally undermined in very real ways.
This means we have been the victims of fraud. Repeatedly. Over and over. For the last few years.
In early 2022 when we were being approved for financing for a car, a third party banking option hacked our account and we were drained of nearly $20,000. It took police reports, fast-thinking, diligence and Julie’s extraordinary intuition to actually record the fraud as it was happening in real time for us to recoup our money. Just last week, a fraudster hacked into one of our debit cards and although no money was taken, we had to cancel the card which is a GIANT inconvenience especially when debit cards are attached to payment services that you don’t even think about. Having to contact each service and let them know in advance our card number has been deactivated is a giant pain in the ass, especially when Julie was out of town while this was happening and JP has been working on new design projects which take up all his time.
Furthermore, Julie has been signed up for services which she did not sign up for and has had her bank account drained of hundreds of dollars over the last few months. She has had to dispute more transactions on her checking account than she has ever had to dispute in her life.
When we first moved to Pittsburgh in 2018 the pizza delivery guy used our debit card to pay his $400 cell phone bill.
And on and on and on it goes.
It should be obvious that we are personally targeted.
Yet, somehow we’ve still been able to survive. But not just survive or get by. We’ve thrived to the point where we have been able to help others and we have changed lives. We’ve donated thousands of dollars to people in need: friends who are trying to keep their small businesses afloat have received cash donations from us beyond buying the occasional product, but large cash donations from us; a local family who lost their entire home and everything inside of it due to a fire on Christmas Eve received a large check from us; we have purchased everything from plane tickets to meals to clothes for our real friends in need.
We do not let the fact that we are constant victims of fraud keep us from giving what we can to others.
In 2022 Julie woke up one day to her teeth nearly falling out of her mouth. This was inexplicable, shocking and utterly traumatic. She never even had to have braces as a child and she has always kept perfect dental hygiene.
What she experienced was rapid, deteriorating bone loss and no one could explain why. She rushed to the dentist who immediately set her up with an aggressive, expensive plan. She spends hundreds of dollars a month on bone growth supplements that specifically target the teeth and gums.
But that’s the easy part.
Because this happened while we were still living in Pittsburgh and because she was set up with a team of specialists in Pittsburgh to monitor her bone growth and to reverse the situation, she has had to fly back every 8 weeks to Pittsburgh to continue the monitoring and treatment. In 2023 we escaped Pittsburgh and moved to the Gulf Coast, as you may know which is why she’s had to fly back so often.
While she is in Pittsburgh, she has to have an entire day dedicated to her ongoing treatment, which means taking Lyft rides all over Allegheny County to make sure she gets to her appointments on time. Each Lyft driver gets a $10 cash tip. Everyday that her hotel room is cleaned, she leaves a cash tip for the room attendants. She leaves 25% tips to the cafes that she visits when she eats her meals. Any attendant at the airport that helps her get to her connecting gate when she flies to Pittsburgh then back home to the Gulf Coast gets a small tip pushed into their hand.
We are NOT saying this to boast. We are saying this because this country is in a serious, economical downturn and YOU need to budget YOUR life to help those in need. Service workers are some of the most stressed out, underpaid individuals on the planet and they need CASH.
Give it to them.
As you can surmise, this ongoing monitoring involves having to purchase plane tickets and hotel rooms and this is NOT an expense we were ready to take on at all. Plane tickets are hundreds of dollars and hotel rooms are at least $100 per night. And that’s just the cost to take her out to see her team of specialists and house her while she’s there.
She has to pay $300 per month to an orthodontist in order to realign her teeth and an additional $150 every two months to a periodontist to ensure that the realignment trays, which are plastic, aren’t causing additional bone loss in some way. That’s a $450 additional expense that we weren’t prepared to pay.
But, after a year of this, it’s working. This means the bone is growing, the teeth are straightening and Julie has come out the other side: her teeth are not at risk of falling out of her mouth.
But this has been an outright attack on our finances though. And that’s what it is: An attack. When you wake up one day and all your teeth have shifted and you risk losing them suddenly, it’s not a natural occurrence. It’s an attack. It doesn’t matter how it happened, it only matters that you have to fight it in the only way you can and that takes money, and more money and even more money. It also takes quick thinking and no time for complaining or self pity or waxing poetic on social media.
Eventually the fraud will ease up. Eventually YouTube will take one final stab at us and we will have our last dying breath on that platform. Eventually the situation with Julie’s ongoing dental expenses and all that THAT entails will stop.
Until then, if you’d like to help us at all, PayPal is still a good option: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/bookofours, you can become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/bookofours, you can make a small donation through cashapp at $bookofours or you can send us donations in the mail. Email us at info@book-of-ours.com for our snail mail address.
Thank you for listening, sharing, caring and supporting.