Marketing Children as Super Heroes
The artist criticizes the idea that children are superheroes. In…
Animal Testing In The Interest of Public Health
An interview with Justin Goodman of the had some…
Addressing Tucker Carlson’s Outrage Over “Illegal Aliens” & Reparations
Click “Monday” to listen: Here is the Fox News segment,…
The Demoralization of Kelly Lynch’s Death
This is a 30 minute audio where the artist speaks…
Alec Baldwin
The artists are critics of media and propaganda. Click here…
Where is Your Moral Line and Do You Even Have One?
In the first part of this audio, the artists discuss…
October 17 Discussion
On Sunday, October 17 the artists discussed: Kevin Jenkins coming…
Kyrie Irving Doesn’t Want To Be Your Political Hero
Click the image to listen: Click here to listen to…
An Audio Capture from Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Dr. Tom Cowan
Today the artists captured an important audio from a long…
Vimeo has deleted Book of Ours
On Tuesday, October 11, 2021, Vimeo sent the following message…