A Reading From an Internal Email
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Cracking the Code on the Customer-For-Life Goal in the Medical Industry Complex
How the 504/IEP designation, the medical industrial complex, the insolvency…
Violence Escalating In Stores
On Thursday, September 9, 2021 the artists talk about two…
Examples of the Violence Waged Against PA Students
Become a patron: www.patreon.com/bookofours Join Rokfin: www.rokfin.com/bookofours Make a donation: www.paypal.me/bookofours Make a…
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PA Parents Faced With Difficult Choices Regarding Putting Their Children in Masks At School
Julie did an hour long audio discussing what some of…
Let’s Not Hold Hands With Those Who Sold Us Down the River
In the audio below, the artists discuss the following photo…
DeSantis and the Mononucleic Infusions
Continuing with this idea of “No Heroes”, the following press…
Ivermectin is Trending Again as A Horse-Dewormer! Child Abuse? Meh, Who Cares.
On Thursday, September 4, 2021 the artists talk about the…
It’s Still Just A Clinical Trial, and You’re Not Part of It
I know #VaccinePassports are nothing more than #MovementLicenses but we…