Dear Charlie, You Asked Me What I Think
Dear Charlie, Before you blocked us you said “What do…
Wales is Closed for Business
In October 2020, the Welsh government instituted a hard lockdown.…
You are Gollum
When you say you are looking out for the common…
What The AZT Drug was for AIDS, Ab8 will be for COVID19
Today is October, 19, 2020. My husband, JP, and I…
Facebook is censoring Cory Morningstar’s Article on Masks
Here is the original article: Mandatory Masks in the…
Celebrating Death
A mass medical experiment is taking place on the global…
“Lifelong Learning” Kicks Off Our Facebook Fundraiser
Have you seen the documentary above? If you haven’t, please…
Propaganda Wars Are Anything But Kind
We’re on a battlefield and the war is on. We’ve…
What Happens After the Mask
The mask is going to be wearable technology in the…