We are also in the midst of producing, “Marketing Death.” This video essay will be a discussion of the lawsuits from a class war perspective. Look out for that in the next few days.
book of ours are working artists and could really use your help. By becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/bookofours or subscribing to http://www.rokfin.com/bookofours you can help support us as we continue to archive history in unique and creative ways through our video essays, video sketchbooks, blurbs and our interview series “pullquote.” You can find all of our work at http://www.youtube.com/bookofoursand our back-up channel at book of ours backup on YouTube. The artists can be reached at info@book-of-ours.com
The artists discuss the testimony that David Martin gave to Reiner Füllmich.
Click here to listen how this Covid garbage is a marketing campaign: https://book-of-ours.com/video/the-patent-discussion.mp4
For reference, here is the testimony:
We are also in the midst of producing, “Marketing Death.” This video essay will be a discussion of the lawsuits from a class war perspective. Look out for that in the next few days.
book of ours are working artists and could really use your help. By becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/bookofours or subscribing to http://www.rokfin.com/bookofours you can help support us as we continue to archive history in unique and creative ways through our video essays, video sketchbooks, blurbs and our interview series “pullquote.” You can find all of our work at http://www.youtube.com/bookofours and our back-up channel at book of ours backup on YouTube. The artists can be reached at info@book-of-ours.com