Today we will be streaming live for our bi-weekly podcast “Bookmark”, at 3pm EST. Many of you are new to our platform due to our latest video essay The New Constitution: Living War Crimes and its followup 15 minute mirrored video: Katherine Watt: In Her Own Words
If you’re new to our platform, Book of Ours is a media/creative platform managed by Julie and JP Collins.
JP has a background in music, art, design and marketing. Julie has a background in education (culinary), theater, writing and retail marketing.
If you’d like to join us, it will give you an opportunity to see what we look like, and get a feel for who we are.
In the meantime, we’d like to address questions some of you have:
Our position on the Covid situation? We established from the very beginning with our break-out video essay “Quarantyranny” that the Covid agenda is a pivot from the Third Industrial Revolution into the Fourth Industrial Revolution with the World Health Organization, its central bank owners, the military and corporate and academic interests as the entities that will ultimately turn the clock into 4IR.
What is 4IR? The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is a pivot away from traditional capitalism, turning away from the making and production of things to keep economies afloat and turning toward enslavement of souls and humans as a way to keep billionaire-economies afloat. An emergence of a 21st century slave market, if you will, using public-private partnerships (fascism), corrosive government policy, military power-grabs (just to name a few) to create a new standard by which finance is backed: human capital markets.
Do you have a faith? We are not religious. But we value the input from those who are, especially if their religious beliefs are to edify and provide comfort for them personally. We do believe religion can be used as a tool of oppression and at times we see evidence of that in our government. We have friends who are religious and we don’t condemn them for that.
Position on government? We are against governments when they are used as tools of oppression, which is what the US government has turned into. We are not against things like social security disability benefits, or social security benefits for retirees, libraries, or useful departments that our taxes and even paychecks have invested in. We are against governments that exploit the people and it seems as though most governments do.
Position on politics? We have no political affiliation. We were once libertarian socialists and still consider ourselves anarchists in the philosophical term (look up Colin Ward or Bakunin or read a bit of https://winteroak.org.uk/ to get an idea) but when the Covid military operation was foisted upon us, we saw many libertarian socialists lifting up anti-human policy and practices so we split apart from that and to this day can’t find anything that would describe our political position.
Individuals should live as free as they possibly can. Free to pray. Free not to pray. Free of government oppression, yet if they pay into the tools that help them live a comfortable life and those tools happen to be government-backed, we hope that that will continue to benefit the population somehow. We don’t believe people are to blame for their own oppression. We believe systems of control, marginalization (this includes racism and classism), lack of meritocracy and fair opportunity and even laws have kept people in places of oppression.
Influence? Our video essay work is influenced by Adam Curtis. Our philosophical position in life is influenced by The Buddha or traditional anarchistic philosophical voices of reason.
Is Antifa anarchist? No. Antifa is cointelpro – CIA/FBI backed and meant to cause disruption and further erode agrarianism and freedom.
Do you hate America? No. We are Americans and love being American and because we are American, we strive to embrace cultures outside of America.
Are you for open borders? Yes, and no. Due to American military colonization and regime-change operations throughout the globe over the years, or sometimes due to a country’s own oppressive internal corrupt operations, many in other countries are left homeless and destitute and seeking a better life. These immigrants deserve to have that better life and we welcome them. Sadly, the immigration policy has been corrupted from within and at times is used as a tool to allow individuals who would cause further erosion of democratic processes. We don’t believe those individuals come through the border wearing backpacks. We believe they are rather rubber-stamped into corporate America and work with internal global interests to undermine nation-states and local policy.
Are you pro gay/trans? We have gay and trans friends. We think that the gay and trans community are often used as tools to divide people. Most of the gay and trans friends we have are concerned with the same things we are.
What is your position on environmentalism? We believe corporations and global goals have corrupted the idea of environmentalism. Look around. Our country is becoming more and more polluted and toxic each year. Yet, billions of dollars are funded into upsetting the delicate balance of existing eco-systems simply because those eco-systems may have a mineral or natural resource that would compliment the marketing around “environmental”-backed products.
Bike Lane, Open Streets, 15 minute cities? On the face these infrastructures are inherently good and can help a community feel more like a community. Sadly, some are being exploited for surveillance operations, control grid tech operations and are used as a way to track individuals all for the benefit of stakeholders to enrich their portfolio. But, if there is a bike lane, you can pretty much assume we will be on it.
Do you think climate change is real? Climate has changed since the beginning of time. But the term “climate change” is being used as an excuse to cool the planet to the benefit of various geo-engineering backed institutions that have billions invested in mucking around with the climate itself. We believe weather is now a primarily controlled operation through the use of stratoshperic aerosol injections. We don’t believe the radical changes in weather are because of human beings, or cows passing gas. Just look up at the sky and you’ll see what we mean.
We hope that gives you a better idea of our position and who we are. We also believe that humans are ever-evolving creatures and ever-changing, so our position may change.
See you at Three O’Clock!
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