JP Collins
Listen to Gang Of Four and The Gotobeds at Mr. Smalls review
In this audio podcast feature Busman’s Holiday: Art, Music & Culture while driving a van through Pittsburgh, PA, I talk about the Gang Of Four performance at Mr. Smalls Theater on Sunday 2/17/19. This was our first time at Mr. Smalls and I talk about the venue as well as the opening band, The Gotobeds.

In the audio review, I include a song by The Gotobeds that I cannot find the title to. Anywhere. I’ve looked and listened. Hmmmm. Good song, wish I knew the title. I also included the classic song What We All Want by Gang Of Four.
My impressions of Gang Of Four in this current line up and their live performance aren’t entirely positive. Julie and I tend to not go see older bands even if we were fans of that band in their heyday. Unfortunately, that rule of thumb we have for ourselves regarding older bands often leaves us disappointed, I’m sorry to say that we were once again… disappointed. Here’s my review of the show along while driving my school van along with thoughts on musical performance and finding a place to eat in Millville, PA on a rainy, Sunday night.

Listen to Gang Of Four and The Gotobeds at Mr. Smalls review
JP Collins is a mixed media and conceptual artist who works in collaboration with his wife Julie Collins as Book of Ours. JP works as a school bus driver in Pittsburgh, PA and records his Busman’s Holiday commentary while driving his van through Pittsburgh. And in case you were wondering, his students are never on board while he’s recording. Busman’s Holiday is a feature of the Book of Ours blog. You can contact us by email: info at