How’s that building back better working out for you?
Katrina destroyed the lives of poor black people in New Orleans, LA.
Now Ian has destroyed the lives of some upper middle class people who spent their money on their dream homes and dream lives and dream retirements.
In this new version of Build Back Better where your life, for the rest of your life, is one big catastrophic event after another, this particular event targeted some coastal privileged people who paid the price.
The brutality and devastation of what Florida experienced has left everyone traumatized but everyone also has a creeping sense that it was something more, that a naturally occurring hurricane may not have been able to break apart a causeway severing access to an island.
The ruinous remains look like a war zone.
Is anywhere safe in this day and age?
This is what’s called a 360 degree assault. If it’s not a poisoning masquerading as a virus, or a bio weapon masquerading as a vaccine,
then it’s engineered destruction of lives through weather technology masquerading as a hurricane.
You notice this took place within just a couple of weeks of the DeSantis Administration poking fun at Martha’s Vineyards residents through a cheaply orchestrated practical joke?
You do know the Obamas have direct contact with weather engineers, DARPA and any other three letter agency that could simply call up the operators and tell them to flip a switch, right? They live in a sprawling mansion on Martha’s Vineyard and could be considered the most heavily connected political family on the Eastern Seaboard.
Maybe before you go and make a huge display, highlighting the hypocrisy of the very wealthy, maybe pause and remember who you’re dealing with. After all they are the legalized mafia class and they don’t like to be embarrassed politically. That entire island is connected with anyone they want. See how little time it took for the military to arrive and escort the undocumenteds off their home turf?
This wasn’t just engineering for the sake of engineering. This was a response to DeSantis’ shenanigans and we had the uneasy feeling it would bite him hard.
It was a clear message to remind us all who’s really in charge. It’s not Nature or Climate Change in charge that’s for sure.
This was nothing more than the equivalent of a mob hit.
And I would even go so far as to say somebody with more money than god purchased Sanibel Island and needed an extraordinary event to make it exclusive.
The sky is the limit and the cashflow and power are limitless, with the mob, after all.
And rather than decimating his state’s economy, raising taxes and absorbing pensions to build it all back, you do know DeSantis will have to rely on funding from outside sources, thus paving the way for smart city technology for communities just like Fort Myers, FL.
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