1. Thanking users who have been able to stay on track
2. Giving An example of subtle corporate behavior integrating into a small unaware community
3. Sign up for Friday Footnote
4. A brief overview of real world practical examples of caste

We continue to be Flabbergasted, stunned, flummoxed And words fail. Users once again never fail to disappoint.
Here is your proof. Here is your smoking gun. Here it is. Targeted assassination of a specific group through their corporate positions and insurance companies and users just shrug it off or allow themselves to get distracted with piffle.
The amount of deaths equaled or were above the entire death toll of the Vietnam War and that took 10 years. This took less than a year and no one is even flinching.
This proves users have immersed themselves into denialism, sociopathy, consumeristic behavior online, allowing themselves to be seduced by influencers.
This isn’t past, this isn’t something out of your control. This is right now. This is enough:
Click here: https://youtu.be/gMsNiWh0bDA
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