With 36% of the Global Population believing in the concept of Original Sin, why would you even question the absolute fundamental provable and obvious truth that Christianity has influenced the idea of believing in a thing when the thing has never shown in any tangible way that it even exists? The world’s population currently sits at 7.8 billion. Of that 7.8 billion, 2.4 billion believe in the Biggest Lie Ever Told and practice a religion supporting the BIGGEST LIE ever told.
Sorry to say, the Covid fraud is not the worst thing to happen to the human race.
Just because a very small minority of Christians have decided not to swap out their beloved Psyop for the other psyop doesn’t mean that we should ignore the millennia-plus of oppression and gas lighting and brutality and abuse that comes with the original psyop or what some people call “Christianity”, which bases its entire thought-cult on “Original Sin”.
Original Sin of course being this incredibly stupid and ridiculous idea that we are all born into sin and to be cleansed from our unclean sinful nature we must turn to God or Jesus and then be born anew under his grace. This is bullshit. You were not meant to stick out your arm for a vaccine to become clean. Nor were you meant to stick out your perfectly rational and intelligent mind for something that was created by the Roman Empire in the 4th Century to bludgeon an increasingly enlightened population, to become a new born again human. You’re fine the way you are. You don’t need ANY psyop to tell you to be better.
As a whole, since the 4th century, the concept of Christianity has POUNDED its influence onto society mercilessly in the same way the Romans pounded the heads of individuals who used rationality rather than gibberish to extol their beliefs, only to have the Romans pillage the villages of say, Pagans who would rather have a relationship with Seasons and the Earth rather than an unseen oppressive “God of Love.”
You’re trying to convince me that something that’s been around since the 4th Century or possibly before DIDN’T influence society and how we operate or even think, and that future generations, even Athiests, weren’t molded in some way. For Christ sake, even our money says “In Psyop We Trust.” Of course this 4th Century Roman Empire conjured-concept has had an influence in almost every corner of our life.
I’ve heard it said that countries who adopt the concept of Original Sin, or who are predominately Christian adopted the whacked out quackery of “Asymptomatic Carrier” when it comes to Covid, and countries whose religions are NOT predominately Christian didn’t adopt it. I’m not an expert on religion but when you have a religion based on an unseen deity that uses fear and oppression to control the population chances are that population has been traumatized to the point of normalizing Stockholm Syndrome and will believe every magical thinking line of bullshit that is marketed to them.
Thirty-six percent (36%) of the entire world has been indoctrinated into this “believing in something that doesn’t exist” wrong think. Do not play innocent and claim that Christians didn’t on some existential, civilizational, long standing level influence every facet of life, from our purity tests, to how we speak to one another, to how we are taught and especially the lie of unseen spreadable pathogens. The fictional book written by man (the Bible) goes on and on about plagues (another word for pathogens). It’s a metaphor for beating an individual down and destroying their life and livelihood if they don’t bend to the will of an unseen, non existent Thing-Diety.
How can you not believe in one unseen thing (Covid) but so fervently believe in another unseen thing (the Other Covid, God).
Whether we are hooked up to a Borg run by Elon Musk and convinced to be part of a cloud based computing system and told what to think and what to say and how we need to level up our human with upgradable vaccine technology or whether you’re mainlined into the Bible which has spent a millennia telling people to upgrade their soul, their thoughts, to be better, instructing them on what to think and how to behave, it’s all the same. It’s the exact same thing. A robot-transhumanist agenda playbook, or the Bible. The SAME.
The entire Covid gaslighting psyop wouldn’t even be as influential as it is if people had been just as skeptical of Christianity back then when the Romans were chopping off their heads for not announcing their allegiance to the invisible Pathogen, God. The writers of the covid narrative are using the same gaslighting and mythical parables as the writers of the Bible. It’s the same.
So, actually we have Christians and their DOMINATING influence across the globe to thank for the Covid narrative. When 36% of the global population lifts up a psyop you can’t expect some level of capitalist industry not to use this concept of Original Sin, also known as “Asymptomatic carrier of evil” as THEIR cash cow. If you’re not making this connection, then you’re in a cult and those of us not in religious cults have lost all patience with you.
Sadly, operating outside of a paradigm that breaks free from strongholds of ALL hypocrisy, ALL gas lighting and ALL control, seems to be a revolutionary act in the age of Covid. I mean, it’s practically pagan right? It was the pagans whose heads were chopped off by the Christians by the way. For saying things like the sun might be more powerful and useful than God.
And so now, here we are in a world where Christians, which dominate 36% of the population are crying about how they’re oppressed. The Christians, which have historically caused brutal bloodbaths of individuals who think differently than them are now lifted up as the Saviors of Covid, because they are DOMINATING the alternative airwaves regarding the Covid fraud. Meanwhile they bludgeon the characters of people who were influenced by their millennia long practices for believing the other psyop.
There is not one video, interview or conversation or blog post I can share to anyone I would want to enlighten on the Covid fraud BECAUSE they ALL go into some gibberishey diatribe about God or the Bible, and I’m not into convincing my friends who believe in one psyop to listen to the information (albeit, valuable and well-sourced) from individuals who simply believe in another psyop.
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