The cultural critic is experiencing a 2 day ban on social media as a result of challenging the Canadian truck story. We believe the story itself is a giant distraction, an operation to act as cover for further regionalization efforts.
Here is an article that alerted us: – what this article basically tells us is that local Pittsburgh area municipalities will fold into one bureaucracy and one budget.
In general we feel the Canadian trucker story is a distraction from the globalization, regionalization and localization of countries, states and local small communities, effectively pushing out federal oversight. It will be global, regional and local now.
We already exist in “interstate compacts” – this is where clumps of states work together and their individual state’s needs are balanced against the needs of the other states folded into the compact:
A video was made to describe this:
Here is San Franciscan Rosa Koire offering a quick explanation:
GoFundMe originally withheld the funds, but apparently a trickle has been released, but it’s difficult to verify. Here is an article explaining how they are withholding the funds until the truckers can come up with a plan. However, there was immense pressure on social media for the fundraising platform to withhold the account, citing “domestic terrorism” as the reason for withholding the funds:
Furthermore, did you hear about the convoy of trucks in Australia? Listen to what our friend Alex has to say about that group:
“I’m looking at the organisers of the Oz one right now. He’s an OPCA adherent ie black ops/military intelligence. His group has is 26k in 2 days.
Organised Pseudolegal Commercial Argument. The ‘Freeman on the land’ quasi legal operation run by Intelligence agencies across the globe to capture dissidents. Sovereign citizens are one group of adherents. The Oz organiser of the Convoy to Canberra is one of these.
So yeah these trucker posts and the 50000 freedom truckers is a trap for the most part.”
We also suspect that Justin Trudeau is being briefed on his response to what is being labeled as an act of domestic terrorism:

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