Today a myriad of topics were discussed including warning against dogma to replace your own experiential knowledge. Click this image to listen:
Here is the supporting links and screenshots that were mentioned in the above discussion:
-Jeff Kaye’s latest:
In this tweet he mentions the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. Click here to see what it’s about:

Please read this short discussion with Dr. Kaye and Global Times:
Our interview with Jeff Kaye last year:
-$400 debit cards to Californians to offset the price of gas
This is Newsom’s attempt to gain favor with those he has alienated in his own party.
In this discussion The Martins discuss how the education system is changing:

Here is last year’s discussion with Christiane Northrup. She will be with us again this coming Tuesday, March 29, 2022:
Also mentioned is this important video about remaining true to your talent:
Support Book of Ours: