Welcome to Friday Footnote! This is an audio podcast that Julie and JP over here at Book of Ours do every other Friday or so. Today we’ve decided to include our special friend Lynne Taylor, also known as Common Core Diva into the broadcast. It was a delightful but sobering conversation. Somehow, Lynne makes all this information that much easier to swallow by bringing in her sweet nature and sense of humor.
We hope you enjoy this episode.
All our best,
JP and Julie

To follow Lynne go to www.commoncorediva.com and here are some reference materials she wanted us to include, as well as an important petition to sign:
Here’s the biggest article link about pre-planning controlled response by a nation.
It’s from the UK.
It’s where it started to dawn on me about what we’ve seen in America.
Listen to this lady detail her abuse at the hands of the US gov’t and the mind control used from MK Ultra:
Cathy O’Brien is her name and here’s her website: https://trance-formation.com/
Amazon has the movie she made for rent ($3.99):
Here’s a link from the US psych entity APA about Nazi like mind control:
From The Liberty Belles, Suzanne and Lynne interviewed James Martinez. He was able to help some people escape from MK Ultra:
Also, go to this website for more information:
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