Is it the Chinese Communist Party suddenly, without provocation, attempting to destroy our way of life and take over our land and infrastructure and culture and indoctrinate our children into their way of life? Is it the Khazarian Mafia creeping in through infrastructure spending and cultural shifts? Is it The Rockefellers or Some Secret Cabal or even The Royals using China to disempower our Western way of life?
Maybe it’s none of those things. Maybe it’s all of those things. Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle and it begins with the fact that the United States Government is in arrears to China for a near trillion dollar debt that it seems unlikely they will ever be able to pay back, without our compliance:
Click here to watch the video, live streamed on August 30, 2022 at 5pm:
In January 2002, CNN writes “China’s biggest steel firm says it will receive its first shipment of scrap metal from the World Trade Center wreckage soon and turn it into steel plates” (
How is it that this purchase could so boldly take place just a few short months after the story of the 9/11 incident broke across our news feeds? It takes time and months, if not years of negotiation to broker such a deal and yet it seemed to be wrapped up in a nice neat little package for pennies on the dollar at the start of our 2002 fiscal year, just about 12 weeks after the story of an incident that shocked the nation and brought her to her knees.
According to the “The Balance” at the time of the deal, the United States owed China around $1.07 trillion. (
In 2018 I recorded an 11 minute audio titled “Thucydides Trap”, reminding people that this debt would eventually have to be paid.
I speculated over 20 years ago and continue to hold this opinion today, that the debt to China would be put on pause right around September 11, 2001 because what kind of monster would China be to demand repayment of the $1.07 trillion debt after our soil had just been attacked and we needed to put all our efforts and money toward our military strength and Middle East operations, operations which of course lasted for over two decades. What a way to get out of debt: start a war, or as in the United States case, many wars.
When the National Emergency was first declared on March 13, 2020 ( myself and many analysts were looking at this from the angle of a military exercise or an economic coup and not a health threat at all. We all said “The chickens are coming home to roost. There is a debt that needs to be paid. The value of US currency is based in fiat, which is unsustainable and so there will be shifts in culture and practice, money, technology, how we earn our keep and even what we are taught in schools. It’s an overhaul of society and US society is the chattel to be bartered in order to pay for this overhaul.”
I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. I grew up not caring that the Chinese American citizens or Chinese students on visas wore masks. In fact, it was hardly noticeable to me. It never registered in my consciousness. I would sit next to them on the bus or talk to them in the break room at work and it never ever occurred to me that I was talking with someone through a piece of paper over their face. That’s how normal it was for me to see. I had no interest in asking them to take it off because I literally didn’t notice it. I had some sort of fuzzy notion or understanding in the back of my mind when I thought about it, which was never, that in China certain provinces were heavily polluted so those people who lived in those areas would wear masks to protect themselves form pollution, or perhaps the local government would announce a leak of some toxin and there would be a health issue so they would recommend a certain province to wear a mask. And over time the wearing of masks in China became a social phenomenon. In fact it’s seen in many Asian countries. The population were never ordered to wear a mask and it was never a demand. It was always a recommendation. When this practice entered the United States a couple of years ago, I only started to notice the mask wearing among the United States population and I only had something to say about it because unlike before, where it had been an Asian cultural practice never imposed on me, suddenly it was imposed on me. Now, a couple of years later, the various transportation agencies in the United States and various corporate offices and venues and art houses and events who were demanding masks if you wanted entrance, are now using the harmonious Chinese attitude of mask wearing as a choice and in the website language for these various American institutions they recommend a mask but do not require it.
I only give this example to show you the subtleness of how a foreign cultural practice is introduced and ultimately accepted and has the potential to change an established culture.
The Defense Production Act is invoked during times when our country is at risk of being invaded and it was invoked again in August 2020. It basically officially announces that all means of production and civilian life are in service to the safety of our borders and everyone must do their part to safely keep our democracy and way of life in tact. This subverts and overrides any constitutional protections, in-house rules, or state or autonomous protections that civilians may have. And, just a few weeks ago, Vladimir Putin responded by invoking the Russian version of the same on July 15, 2022:
Also, please take a look at The Truth, a 15 minute video essay book of ours produced in December 2020. It talks a bit about the Defense Production Act and gives simple context:
When the DPA was announced in tandem with the ever-renewing National Emergency for Covid Relief, I wondered, quite often, why military measures were being used to address something that allegedly amounted to nothing more than seasonal allergies or a common cold. I speculate that the United States resources are being used as leverage to continue to pay off that $1.07 trillion debt to China. In fact, the Hill writes in July 2022 that the United States $1.07 trillion debt to China is at an all time low and that debt has been paid down to $980 billion. ( ) When I read this article I wondered how we were able to pay down this debt, and I wondered if the bulk of it was starting to get paid down in 2020 with the announcement of the Defense Production Act. Are we using an enforceable military protocol to pay a debt to China?
What other ways might we be able to pay off this exorbitant debt to China? In December 2020 I wrote a blog piece titled “China Wins the Bid to Control the Port at Haifa” ( In 2019 Trump openly asked why the World Bank loaned China $1 Billion. And, beginning in 2021 China took over operations to our allies (Israel) port that at the time was docking the US Sixth Navy Fleet. Did the US Navy break its longstanding relationship with the Port of Haifa, Israel to allow China to move in and control and manage operations at the port? Was this another way we were able to pay down the debt?
As I mentioned in the blog post, the port of Haifa, Israel is strategically located, with near-direct access to Italy, where the US Sixth Navy Fleet operates their administrative and tactical agendas. Do you find it a coincidence that within months of China taking over the management at the Port of Haifa that Italy was the first country to announce a virus, causing their entire cruise industry to cease operations, leaving tourists and passengers on cruise lines in stasis until the virus could be identified and controlled? CNBC covered this story in January 2020, three months before the National Emergency was officially declared in the United States. With only a few islands to get in the way, I see that the now Chinese managed operations out of the port of Haifa, Israel would give their maritime interests access to the Mediterranean Sea and of course now that that Port is operated by China as I said, I start to speculate into maritime military exercises, and how much they can control the trade.
In my January 2021 piece, “The Circle Is Complete” ( I mention how the US engaged every single one of its military vessels to enter the South China Seas to intimidate China. Remember in 2017 how Rex Tillerson, then Secretary of State was yelling for China to get out of the South China Seas? ( Even Catherine Fitts casually mentions in her conversations to this day that we should be focusing our attention toward the South China Seas. After all, if China controls the waters for trade, then they truly are the dominating global force among nations.
The now $980 billion debt the US owes to China must certainly be the guiding influence that caused cataclysmic storms to our way of life. Some speculate that the merge of Chinese based Fosun Pharmaceuticals with Pfizer BioNTech and its voracious rollout of the Covid vaccine in western society has caused untold death and disability to our own citizens.
This business venture of course helped to pay down the debt that some say Americans are paying with their very lives and health. And now, Fosun Pharmaceuticals leads the FUSION innovation hub with offices based in Princeton, NJ and Boston, MA.
But when I read Chuck Grassley’s August 2019 memo raising concern over the Obama Administration’s Approval of U.S. Tech Company Joint Sales to Chinese Government and Investment Firms Linked to the Biden and Kerry families something wasn’t sitting right.
As I mentioned in my January 2021 short piece titled “The Circle is Complete” ( I highlighted the piece from PJ Media which discusses how it was that Biden and Kerry went soft on China as their own sons were brokering deals with Chinese military and tech companies.
The debt needs to be paid off and if you look at this from a 360 degree angle, it seems every part of our life is being leveraged to pay that now $980 billion debt to China and our “ American Princes” like Charles Heinz, Hunter Biden and now Paul Pelosi seem to be acting in their personal interests to trade everything from our data to our biometrics to Chinese based investment firms. Paul Pelosi, Nancy’s son, is the second largest shareholder in a Chinese based Internet of Things (IoT) company.
Not to get too far off track, but John Kerry is no slouch to Chinese funding projects. It was alleged that he unwittingly tried to help a Chinese espionage agent and arms dealer in 1996 in return for campaign contributions for his Senate reelection campaign, according to congressional and other documents, interviews, and photographs.
And his heiress wife, Theresa Heinz, has millions in Chinese investments
It’s only natural for the privileged and wealthy to invest in firms all over the world and then see large returns on those investments. But what investments are they? Are these investments with biologics companies meant to be injected into the bodies of others?
Are they investments in Chinese based tech firms doing business with Silicon Valley to roll out platforms that spy on or collect the data and metrics of civilians who have no idea they are being cannibalized for profit?
Besides Paul Pelosi, Hunter Biden, Charles Heinz and Theresa Heinz what other influentials with celebrity status are allowed to trade off our biometrics and privacy and health and life with zero oversight? And do these business ventures pay down the exorbitant debt to China that the United States has been running from all this time?
I’m going to switch gears a bit and go back to talking about the covert erosion of culture. This is through crafting of narrative that the United States is a crumbling society and in some ways it’s true because our tax dollars aren’t being allocated properly in some communities, like mine for instance. But regarding the cultural affect this has, Often on social media you will see photos and videos of public transportation systems throughout the larger cities that are falling apart with rusted columns and vermin running through the tracks and then this image is then compared with the gleaming, perfected speedy infrastructure that China has spent on their public transportation system.
Pop cultural signs that illustrate this can be found in clothing, social media and car culture. A current fashion trend of distressed denim and destroyed clothing which illustrate the subtle, underlying message to everyone that the United States is worn out, crumbling and destroyed, and its people dressed in rags believing they’re hip and fashionable.
On social media, you’ll often see sentimental videos and memes with pro United States messaging with the image of a tattered American flag in the background, subtly indicating that the US flag and what it represents is over and worn out and it’s time to Build Back Better.
And if you’ve noticed, in certain parts of the country, there are a lot of pickup trucks out there with large, window-sized decals of a worn out American flag on the back window or an old flag flying high, its edges tattered and frayed.
Are these showing up because the American public are intuiting the end of the nation? Or are these icons floated out to the culture through deliberately orchestrated campaigns by taste-making marketing and PR companies producing ideas and artifacts to influence the American people?
There are subtle messages in entertainment too that offer terribly insidious covert images with perfect timing. Let’s take this latest disclosure from the Pfizer reports that indicate western fertile women are becoming infertile after the Pfizer shot or are suffering spontaneous miscarriages. Just as this information was coming to light to the population at large, Netflix airs an episode of “Locke and Key” and introduces a supporting character: a pregnant Chinese woman who influenced a black woman who had suffered untold trauma and torture. Before the torture, this Chinese administrator had caused the black woman to leave her job. After the torture, the same Chinese character was suddenly pregnant and supported the black woman’s character’s desire to return to her job. At the exact same time, Hulu introduced us to a Chinese pregnant character in their hit show “Only Murders In the Building.” She too was pregnant, in an administrative position, and was somewhat unliked and mistrusted by the main characters (she wanted to build an unsightly surveillance balloon over a classic New York Apartment Building), but then redeemed herself after she gave birth and showed her softer side.
Is this messaging meant to show what’s coming? A fertile insertion of a foreign entity to take over the barren troubled, confused and lifeless wasteland that is the United States?
China wants their debt paid off. Right now we owe them around $980 billion. The only way that’s going to get paid off is if we sell off our assets and way of life to them. In the same way China manages and controls the operations at the port of Haifa, Israel this is most likely how they would manage and operate us. This is where the Infrastructure Bill comes in. At $20 trillion this is the largest bill of its kind in history.
Within the bill, There is a particular focus on repairing and rebuilding crumbling bridges throughout the United States. In an ironic twist, it is possibly leading to burning bridges within the Taiwan/Chinese/American relations instead of building them.
Why do we need strong and safe bridges in our country anyway? Obviously we need safe bridges to drive or walk across. But we also need to make sure they have the proper technology in place to monitor what goes on underneath them. Perhaps we need to monitor what cargo ships are passing under them, or install the mechanisms to lift them when a particular large cargo ship might pass under them. In order to repair and rebuild these bridges, we need steel. Who are we going to buy the steel from? The biggest steel producing country is currently China, which accounted for 57% of world steel production in 2020. In 2020, China became the first country to produce over one billion tons of steel. But, With China Steel Corporation as the largest integrated steel maker in Taiwan, who actually is going to benefit from all this steel the United States needs to patch up our bridges? Taiwan or China? Taiwan, like Malaysia and Vietnam, are centers of global manufacturing and produce product and could benefit greatly from providing the United States with steel. China of course has always asserted Taiwan is a part of China. Will this necessary purchase of steel for the Infrastructure Bill pay down any of the debt we owe to China or will it only escalate tensions? After all, when the story broke that Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan, we learned that China reacted to this by extending their military exercises. Imagine Nancy Pelosi trying to put on her lipstick before meeting with Taai Ing-Wen ( but having to keep reapplying because of military blasts and bombing campaigns that keep going on overhead. In response to China escalating their military exercises, two United States ships entered into the Taiwan Straits
This might be why it’s starting to inch toward the feeling of a hot war and perhaps an excuse for the United States to once again skirt their responsibility to paying off that remaining $980 billion debt to China. Or, at least delay it.
Speaking of debt, when paying it off, often times there are deals that can be made with the debtor and the lender. These deals can be packaged in certain ways to make it easier to pay off a large debt faster and more efficiently. If we were to look at the United States as an asset that our corporate and government masters would use to leverage that $980 billion debt to China, then it would make sense to package the country in a way that can efficiently pay off that debt.
That packaging comes through something called “interstate compacts.” We often think of our country as 50 different sovereign states that operate independently of one another. Pennsylvania has an economy for Pennsylvanians. Californians has an economy for Californians. That kind of thing. But because of this massive debt to China, with no real substance to pay it off, I speculate the United States had to be repackaged into territories or compacts. For instance, I live in The Eastern States Multi-State council, a compact that Pennsylvania shares an economy with New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Delaware. Book of Ours did a comprehensive video essay on the deconstruction of our country and goes into further explanations of these compacts.
I also imagine that as the state’s governors were announcing their Covid emergency plans of lockdown, closure of business and various other distracting orders, deals were being made with China to manage various portions of these interstate compacts in order to help pay down that $980 billion debt.
Years later, as these deals are solidified and pay for performance contracts are being signed, and the interstate compacts are being seized and rezoned, governors eased up on their emergency declarations and stopped renewing the Covid19 emergency altogether.
All but one governor that is.
On August 19, 2022 Governor JB Pritzker renewed the Covid 19 emergency declarations for the 33rd time. Right now, the state of Illinois is the only state in the country and the only state in the Midwest Regional Governor’s Pact ( that is still under the banner of Covid Emergency Orders.
In tandem with Governor Pritzker’s extension of the covid Emergency we also have the US Dept of Transportation issuing an emergency for four states in the MRGP: Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan.
The claim is that this emergency is declared due to a refinery fire at BP in Indiana.
With Pete Buttiegieg, former mayor of South Bend Indiana now as secretary of Transportation, the infrastructure rebuilding, rezoning and spending will fall directly into his lap. It’s only natural he would focus his efforts and the benefits of those efforts to his private and public interests if he focused on his home region first.
Ironically, right about the time those four states, which include Indiana were placed under emergency orders over an alleged refinery fire, a story of the injuries and death of Dutch soldiers at a shooting outside an Indianapolis hotel hits the headlines. Who were these Dutch soldiers? Why were they at the Dept of Defense’s largest urban training facility anyway? What sort of operations were they training for? The Muscatatuck Urban Training Center boasts that it offers users a globally unique, urban and rural, multi-domain operating environment that is recognized as the Department of Defense’s (DOD’s) largest urban training facility serving those who work to defend the homeland and win the peace.
Muscatatuck is a real city that includes a built physical infrastructure, a well-integrated cyber-physical environment, an electromagnetic effects system and human elements. Muscatatuck offers realistic, flexible and affordable training and testing scenarios. The site supports customized live/virtual/constructive (LVC) training, developmental testing and evaluation.
Is the emergency order for the four states really because of a fire or is the MRGP under an actual security threat?
In taking their cue from Winston Churchill, “Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste” and then given an upgrade and rebranded by then Chicago Rahm Emanuel, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” the US Dept of Transportation has set its sights on Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan and I imagine will seize any opportunity to begin contract negotiations with Chinese tech companies to not only sell and implement geo fencing infrastructure using the railway and public transporation patterns and grid patterns of cities like Chicago already in existence, but they will also sell the long term service contracts to these Chinese companies so that income can continue to be generated. If you’re not familiar with geo fencing, it’s the use of satellites and RFID technology to track and gather data. Check out this 1 minute 43 second video:
The best places to seamlessly transition into geo fencing a neighborhood are those classic, bourgeois neighborhoods where your apartment is in walking distance to your grocer, a cafe, a restaurant, a club and shops and even a park. Your habits and life will be cannibalized by this technology but it will feel easy and convenient for you. You won’t own a home, because you’ll be a renter and you won’t own a car because you won’t need one but you’ll be happy spending your assets and income on your survival and basic wants and needs. These types of neighborhoods typically are high-rent and marketed to a certain demographic. Geo fencing seizes these neighborhoods to make them into profit making marketing campaigns that outsource everything from biometrics through what you buy to online habits of what you think you need. In these neighborhoods for example, renters pay their monthly rents on websites to anonymous firms that have slick design graphics.
As far as Pritzker issuing another emergency order for Illinois, I suspect he is seeing the vast amount of wealth that will be accumulated to these tech companies through the geo fencing and through the infrastructure spending in his state and is still hammering out a deal. There may be an indication that he is prolonging the rollout of these potential geo fencing plans because it could interrupt his empire. Just because he and his family may be considered one of the wealthiest in the country doesn’t mean he doesn’t want more. He wants a piece of that technology pie. Perhaps he’s agreeing to build more Hyatt’s in China as a bartering chip. I’m just speculating.
When it comes to China, it is multi layered, I will admit and there are geopolitical tensions, but I often approach life with this idea that the simplest explanation is usually the right one and I feel we must begin with the understanding that leadership in the United States has put themselves into debt with that country. It’s a huge amount of money and it looks as though our public private partnerships involving everything from our housing to our education to our health are bearing the brunt of the cost of paying down that debt. It seems as though how our country is even packaged and zoned is now a part of paying down that debt. I suspect that if we were to gather all the private American investments that profited from and saw a return on the Chinese technology and Chinese military and Chinese biotech they invested in, we could easily pay off that $980 billion debt that started out at $1.07 trillion. But, instead what’s happening is our own way of life and health and even our very autonomy is being changed and cannibalized and like a slave, we are being used as a bartering chip to pay off their debts to China. Are you ok with being an indentured servant so the US can pay off its debt to a foreign country?