I said to my husband, “I bet you dollars to donuts that the managerial class and their bosses the billionaire class, will be given the placebo “vaccine” jab. It will have no adverse side effects and then they will be approved to travel since their IPhones will say they got a jab, and live their life like human beings, AND they will be used by the media to shame the peasant class who are resistant to what they’ve discovered the real vaccines are: some kind of monstrosity to upgrade our DNA OR some kind of toxic cocktail that will actually cause healthy people to come down with incurable diseases, like an autoimmune illness.”
His response, “POPPYCOCK!” (He didn’t really say “poppycock”. I’ve been watching so many British protests and pundits and news reels that I’ve actually adopted a strange California British accent at home. Never underestimate the influence of social media).
What he did say was “I don’t think so. I think the vaccine industry wants to throw everyone into their for-profit industry, and in fact all the better to have more people stuck in some kind of sickness loop where they will be dependent on service treatments. You know, like cancer patients are a gold mine for the medical and pharmaceutical industry. As long as there is a need to treat sick people, the money will flow. Think of all those millionaire management class collaborationists who are not only working to install these anti-life systems, now they will be made sick from the vaccine and now their company’s insurance coverage can triple their fees in order to cover these complicated illnesses that they may come down with. Everybody wins!”
In other words, he says, no one is immune from extractivism. Extractivism is when really rich people make money off of your body and your life. Anyone who’s ever been diagnosed as disabled and needs treatments like chemo, or infusions, or physical therapy, etc., knows what the word extractivism means. Ok, so to give it clarity: the word “extractivism” has always been reserved as the definition of extracting natural resources from the earth to make products or windmills or some such nonsense. But, in this age of bio-fascism where we have gone into next stage neo-feudalism, human beings are now the thing that is being extracted from.
I put out this idea on The Twitterverse – that the collaborationists will be getting a placebo – because I still maintain that this is class warfare and that these same managerial collaborationists will avoid any side effects, financial or otherwise.

Considering I only have about 600 followers (some of them probably bots) and I’m not nearly as popular as others, I’d say the response was pretty good.
Are my husband and I at a stand-off? No. He actually started to think about what I said when I kept pushing that this is class warfare. He said, “Remember being a little kid that refused to eat your vegetables? So, your parents would take a bite of the vegetable and say “MMMM Yummy veggies!” to try to psych you into eating your vegetables? So, you may be right. The managerial class and their bosses, the billionaire class, will be given a placebo and they’ll say ‘MMMMM” Yummy vaccine!'”
Exactly! This is also why this topic has been trending over the last couple of days. Media is being very transparent. “We are going to use celebrities to gaslight you into taking something that may harm you.”

So, you’re gonna stick your arm out and get jabs the rest of your life because a celebrity, or even your boss, shamed you into doing so? As liberals always like to say when I turn my nose up on their excuses for neoliberalism and fascism, “You do you then.”
Is this a blog post about a vaccine. Not really.
It’s about disagreements.
This is not Communism. Nor, is it Marxism. It’s fascism. The kind of fascism you’ve never seen. Fascism involving bio-tech-housing-finance-medical extraction of your life. We’ve been talking about this throughout our New Model series: Watch all the videos here

I’m sick of it too actually. A good friend of mine here at home, a real life friend, is one hundred percent convinced this is a “Chinese Communist Takeover.” I one hundred thousand percent disagree with him.
But, this idea that it’s a communist take over doesn’t help when you have these wildly popular podcasters keep saying that it is. At this point, I’d have to say they are “controlled opposition”
Honestly, how does this video get 18,000 views in 24 hours? (Iconic Podcast is a group of dudes who come out of the gaming world: libertarians I assume and they had a pool of followers and funders to begin with. Plus they must have sponsorship somewhere). The guy that does the speaking into the microphone is Jeremy Elliott, a face they HIRED to speak their script:

Just because I don’t think this is a Chinese Communist takeover, or a Marxist takeover doesn’t mean I’m ready to send Xi Jinpeng a dozen roses. In my opinion (I’m still allowed to have that, right?) Communist regimes, in my opinion and I’m sure there are well schooled individuals out there that are ready to trounce on this statement, have always been disdainful of the peasant class even more than the proletariat class. Personally I think China faces a lot of the same kind of problems we face: a wealth gap. After all, it is state sponsored capitalism. HOWEVER their state sponsored capitalism is not under NEOLIBERAL policies. For instance, they probably have better and free education systems, better healthcare and better opportunity to rise out of poverty. In some ways, I’m sure their state sponsored capitalism benefits the Chinese. But, I’m still not going to make them the “good guys.”
We’re experiencing “state sponsored capitalism” right now. The swallowing up of businesses by the government. This is fascism, in the truest sense of the word. Looks like Canada is going through it too.

When state sponsored capitalism acts like the mob and the people don’t benefit, it becomes a mafiacracy.
You can disagree with this all you want, or you can argue about what words mean, but when Communism is something that happens, it ultimately benefits the people somehow, and each country’s citizens who are under Communist rule will have different definitions of what those benefits mean for them personally. What we’re experiencing right now with the merging of state and private sectors, or business, or the corporate class or whatever you want to call it, and that merger does not benefit the people, it is not Communism.
It’s fascism.
These disagreements on who said what and what words means gives me a headache especially when we’ve already done a nice, succinct video about it.
You can watch the teaser for the video here:
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