We’ve crossed the rubicon into an orchestrated extinction level event.

People agree with this but then are shocked and angered when disinfo campaigns of personas or deployed online stories of emotionally charged rhetoric or narrative are not embraced by some as God’s word. This shock and anger turns to condescension and accusations.

When the end is nigh, chaos & splintering of society ensues.

When the end is nigh, empty gifts or empty celebrations of good news or long awaited acts of justice are offered to encourage false hope.

The trick is to change your mind, constantly. By being malleable and flexible in your thinking your survival instincts kick in then actual death, or at least the death of your consciousness, may be avoided.
Allow instinct to guide your every single move. It will never fail you and even if it does the process of following it opens new pathways, neurologically.

When the war is on your brain, then your brain must be kept pliant, open, loose, exercised and yours. Be selfish with your thoughts and your will.

The smartest people are often the funniest.

Victim mentality atrophies the brain.

Discovery for discovery sake is fine but who is leading you into your discovery phase? You don’t need anyone to tell you when something is wrong.

Mothers don’t need to be told when their child is in distress. They just know.

It’s that same instinct or intuition that guides your bullshit detector.

When all plans and agendas are to prepare for and then execute the extinction of all life, the reasons why aren’t important.

The minute details or very specific examples of how it is being executed aren’t important. It’s happening and that’s all that matters. Like with Alcoholics Anonymous, admitting there is a problem is the first step.

Are you ready to admit we are in the throes of a planned and executed extinction level event even when your personal life seems to be thriving?

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