I received an email from my local health center today explaining that in light of the new no mask policy for the vaccinated, they are currently seeking advice on how to move forward.
Just in case you’ve forgotten there never was a mask policy to begin with. You never ever had to wear a mask. It was never law. You wear a mask because you choose to, out of personal choice.
So now that we have that straight, what exactly do they mean by “Seeking advice on how to move forward?” Could it be… Oh, I don’t know. Seeking advice from a wrap around service on how to install a digital system to make health passports a requirement for entry into their facility?
Sprouts recently said they’ll still continue to ask their customers to wear a mask but they will no longer make it a requirement, indicating that vaccinated people would not be required to wear a mask, specifically. Trader Joe’s was one of the first grocery stores that announced they were allowing vaccinated people to go muzzle-free. Within hours, just about every store in the United States that accommodates the public announced the same. The precision, expediency and accuracy by which these announcements were made, on May 14, 2021, one after the other, tells me this was a calculated, pre-determined move.
Since we are no longer in the age of “The Customer Is Always Right” and have transitioned into the “The Customer Is To Be Trained On How To Be A Slave”, I am dubious these sudden announcements will benefit the customer in any way at all. This may feel like a battle has been won in the bigger War on the Human Experience but I am skeptical of their motivation.
When something bad is taken away, or the illusion of it is taken away, something worse will always come in its place. It’s because you’re now living in a world full of abusive parents who will play the give-and-take game with you just for fun. Watch how cats torture mice. They do it for sport, they do it for fun and they exhaust the mouse to the point of death.
The reason King Biden and his lackeys at the CDC said that masks would not be required for those who are vaccinated is because it’s time to start girding up for the next wave of oppressive policy that’s going to make life even more complicated and strange for you mice: digital health passports.
France already passed it, secretly, under cover; they put it up to a second vote in the dead of night while you slept.
Most people will capitulate and comply with this new “show me your papers” world where in order to buy food, or go to the health club, or go to school, or go to church, or do anything at all anywhere in life they’ll have to show some sort of proof of vaccine.
Most people love and worship their mask, after all. They’ve proven how much they love to oppress themselves. I see no difference with their capitulation and worship of the health passport.
The King you call president and his government body will never require vaccine passports or make them law or even mandate them. They’ll play the good guy, like DeSantis, with their benevolent outstretched arms soothing your anxiety riddled brain by repeatedly lulling you into a stupefied state of false euphoria and feeling of comfort, while they unleash their proxy armies on you anyway.

Those proxy armies are grocery stores, cafes, diners, restaurants, movie theaters, schools, art houses, festivals, tattoo shops, nail salons, churches, farmer’s markets, community centers, gyms, public pools, public parks, hotels, airplanes, AirBnB, bread stores, bakeries, 7-11’s, every fast food joint, Target, TJ Maxx.. shall I go on?
But it’s ok, though because your government isn’t making vaccine passports law.
Thank goodness for that.
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