Many years ago, sometime after the Covid operation was foisted upon us, our LinkTree account was unceremoniously removed and we were banned from the site. There was no explanation given. We simply assumed it was because the world views of the liberal site didn’t align with ours and they felt it wasn’t a good fit. We didn’t fight it, or argue or really do anything. We just shrugged it off and went about our lives.
This removal of our account from the company’s platform was handled in the same way one might be fired from their job. When one is fired, their manager doesn’t have to give the employee explanation because the law doesn’t require an explanation since most states in this country are “at will employment.” If a manager does explain why they’re firing an employee it’s out of courtesy and is by no means a requirement.
When the Great Banning was rolling across our digital landscape and highly influential users were being killed off the various platforms with no explanation, and these users were having absolute conniptions over it, I wondered, “Haven’t they ever been fired from a job?”
This is the new normal and the part of the Great Reset we’ve been speaking about for over four years now. We live in a world where box checking has replaced your value systems and something like being at the mercy of an “at will” attitude has replaced civil and constitutional protections.
All this being said though, this morning we received two emails from LinkTree. The first email’s subject read “Content On Your LinkTree Has Been Reinstated” and the second email read “Your Account Has Been Unbanned.”

After the Great Banning, many of those influential users decided to take it further by investigating why the platforms were banning them in the first place. They discovered the reason they were banned is because the platform’s CEO’s were actually instructed by the Biden White House Administration directly, to do so. This of course led to the filing of federal lawsuits against the Biden Administration for violations of free speech and whatever other user rights we all have.
We believe this latest reinstatement may be a result of those lawsuits. We’re not sure what the outcome of the lawsuits are but we do know that some platforms, like LinkTree, may want to avoid the whole mess which could include having to hire a team of expensive attorneys to represent them should they be dragged into court and have to explain their random banning of content creators. We also feel this is why YouTube hasn’t outright canceled us (yet), and why some of our more popular content still lives on the platform, despite the threats to remove it.
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