The great thing about not being a researcher, a fact-checker, a political commentator or an historical master in the art of narrative-making is that I can change my mind about my position on things, or let my imagination go wild but most importantly I can describe things as I see them, all the while using the Twitter program to do so. My small, seemingly insignificant blog space a handful of people seem to pay attention to gives me freedom to flip my narrative, change my mind or redirect my way of thinking around the latest in the user-cult awash with tirades of opinions. And those tirades are usually found on the X platform using the Twitter program to do so.
Here’s one or two to add to the pile: Joe Biden may or may not suspend his campaign. Elon Musk is not very bright. Peter Thiel is going to run your ass when or if Trump inherits the throne. Nathan Wolfe is a virus hunter you don’t want to mess with.
For the last year or so I’ve been talking to anyone who will listen about how Biden will most likely suspend his Presidential campaign at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago this August if not before. The reasons why he would do this don’t matter because they won’t be the truth. Even if Biden himself says “I’m sick,” which is exactly what he posted on the X platform on July 17 using the Twitter program to do so, it won’t be the truth. This blogger isn’t sure the old hair-sniffer is going anywhere even with the entire Democratic establishment yelling for him to “Get out! Get out now!” Despite this pressure, he may even stay with the campaign all the way to November.
Remember this is a current opinion and I do have the luxury of changing my mind and content at any given time. Imagine that. To still have a mind in tact is a rarity these days.
I doubled down on this idea that Biden would suspend his campaign at the Convention in August recently and delegates would vote in Gavin Newsom, making Newsom the presumptive Presidential nominee for the Democratic Party. “Aha! The ole switcheroo!” I said with my index finger in the air, emphasizing the evil genius behind such political plots.
One thing I firmly believe, which was the ultimate reason for my opinion in the first place, is that the City of San Francisco will continue to swallow the Federal Government whole. Gone are the days of the Federal Government and all Congress critters crawling with Representatives and Senators, those entertaining voted-in surrogates, who are supposed to represent a mix of citizens from all over the nation with their different ideologies, economies and cultures and hairstyles.
Nope. Those days are gone. From this point forward, your government is going to be as monochromatic and grey as the foggy sky on a July afternoon in The Sunset District.

With the story of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump now commanding attention, it left Joe Biden, that crafty old fool, to possibly skate through his campaign all the way to November. With his piles of ill-begotten money he won’t care one bit when or if he is blamed for Trump’s possible ascension to the throne:

Biden, with his long long long history of being the most hated member of Congress and who authored the Crime Bill, it’s much easier to scapegoat and blame him if, and most likely when, Trump takes the throne. Newsom has all his San Francisco ties and historical San Francisco laws he passed to protect him from being scapegoated. Besides, Newsom was scapegoated by Republicans and Democrats a lifetime ago, back when he made San Francisco the first City to legalize gay marriage. He can also just hide behind Pelosi’s skirts to protect him from being too badly scrutinized. Believe it or not, Harris, with her Top Cop attitude when she was the District Attorney of San Francisco also holds some of those same privileges. It’s like being in the mob. They’re protected, capiche?
There just isn’t any Democrat as electric and commanding to take the recent assassinee to task. I suppose some hair-raising exciting story could trend about say.. Amy Klobuchar. Then that would make it a fair fight, right? But what could possibly top the story of an attempted assassination?

Trump will be the dictator that puts the nail in the coffin of re-branding our Federal Government as “San Francisco, Incorporated.” Yes, I said dictator. See the Supreme Court’s ruling on July 1. Mainstream Media actually got this one right, fervently covering this story to a perplexed and distracted audience: the language in the ruling gave all Presidents past, future and present immunity against things like assassination attempts on each other. Because of this bizarre ruling this may now be our new normal.

Crimes against humanity? Meh. Immunity! Target and assassination of American citizens outside of due process and labeling every free American a domestic terrorist? Meh. Immunity!
Every venture capitalist from San Francisco to Palo Alto is just slobbering at the bit to get their hands on this next President. Imagine being able to buy off, manipulate, nudge or outright control someone with ABSOLUTE POWER.
When Trump accepted former PayPal founder and Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist Peter Thiel’s June 2024 invitation to his San Francisco home for a fundraising campaign… Did I say Peter Thiel? I meant David Sacks, former PayPal COO and Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist. He is a totally different person from Peter Thiel. Totally.

Anyway, when Trump went to San Francisco and accepted YUUUGE donations in the form of all those beautiful beautiful $50,000 or $100,000, $300,000 or even $500,000 tickets which gave millionaires and billionaires the privilege of shaking hands with and dining with a future dictator, I was really surprised no one even batted an eyelash. This fundraiser is most likely where it was confirmed to Trump that Trump would announce, a month later, at the Republican National Convention, Silicon Valley’s own boy toy, JD Vance, would be Vice President.
When the story of the future dictator’s attempt on his life was first announced, it was David Sacks who was the very first user to stand up reverently on his X page, using the Twitter program to do so, and wax poetic about the bravery of the man, who despite having just survived an assassination attempt was able to muscle through an entire team of secret servicemen and women trying to ferry him quickly offstage to safety, and break through to lift his fist triumphantly in the air to the joyous applause of his adoring fans; then Sacks, within the reverent space X, using the Twitter program to do so, carefully curated his character field which allow blue checks a certain amount of space and went on to transpose poetry over the sheer Divine Intervention that took place. If not for a slight turn of the head, he said, a mans life may have been taken and the fate of our world would forever be changed. He appealed to the X users, using the Twitter program to do so, to come to the side of Bravery, Providence and American..ism. He implored everyone to embrace the MAGA, and in a hushed whisper typed out the last cherished words in the space that was allowed on the X platform, using the Twitter program to do so:
“…victory in November.”
In another time and another place anyone reading this over-the-top language would be endlessly mocking it, as it droned on about their most benevolent Dear Leader Kim Jong Un. But I doubt Mr. Sacks or any of his acolytes see the comparison and to be honest, I stopped reading these tweets and turned off all live dialogue that echoed them.
Some of you know I am not sentimental.
Sentimentality of our oppressors isn’t something I could ever get behind.
Thank God the over-the-top sentimentality and sycophantically sick language about a potential future dictator being some sort of Divine Being quickly faded. For once I was actually relieved to see the rabbit-holers and all their squirrelly conspiracy theories un-tugging that “whodunnit” ball of string take over the trending narrative. I love you guys! You’re so entertaining! You make utilizing the worst tool ever invented, social media, totally worth it!
Like with all bribes, I mean donations, there’s a quid pro quo. Thiel, I mean Sacks, along with his little buddy Chamath Palihapitiya, a Facebook founder also known as The ‘SPAC King,’ and all the donations they hoarded for the Trump fundraiser are ALL IN for Trump. This is literally their golden ticket to even more wealth and influence. They’ve thrown all their weight behind him. I have no doubt that when, or if, Trump ascends to the role of ABSOLUTE DICTATOR he will open up vast amounts of funding streams to his new crop of friends, the San Francisco Silicon Valley founders who openly admitted that when they created social media they “destroyed the fabric of society.”
The destroyers of the fabric of society are all San Franciscans in one way or another and they are marching in calculated formation to the drumbeat of “You know, to make the world a better place” with the weight of their X pages backing them, using the Twitter program to do so. They are stomping right down Main Street to decimate small towns into tax havens also known as Opportunity Zones, set up unelected committees and panels to dictate how your community will be run and turn every single living being in the United States of America into some sort of digital slave managed and controlled by non profit managers and more made men turned venture capitalists.
This wildly crafted opinion I have didn’t seem too outlandish when, despite nearly being assassinated, Trump lost no time in announcing his Vice President would be Peter Thiel. He barely had time to affix his CIA earpiece, I mean BANDAGE, at the Republican National Convention when he made the announcement.
Wait. Did I say Peter Thiel? I did it AGAIN! Sorry about that. I meant JD Vance, the fledgling Senator from Ohio who is a totally different person from Peter Thiel. Vance made his fortune working at one of Thiel’s firms in San Francisco right after he graduated from Yale, where he met Thiel who was giving a speech on how to colonize your own. When Vance moved back to Ohio, he mimicked Thiel’s slush fund scam company, I mean venture capital firm, Mithra, a Lord of the Rings reference, by also naming his venture capital firm after a Lord of the Rings ring, Narya. Narya was the red ring. Thiel was an early investor in that firm, of course. Thiel and Vance, together again, invested in the Rumble platform in 2021. When Thiel donated $10-$15 million to his election campaign, Vance went from self-described Hillbilly to US Senator in 2022! And now less than two years later he’s Trump’s VP pick!

To try to have a conversation with anyone about this is infuriating if it wasn’t so hilarious,
“Did you hear about Trump’s VP pick?”
“No, who?”
“Pence? The previous VP?”
“No, VANCE. V-A-N-C-E not PENCE which is P-E-N-C-E!”
“Ok, got it. Who’s this Vance guy?”
“He’s been Senator of Ohio for two years.”
“What was he before that?”
“A Hillbilly vegetarian.”
“How do you go from Hillbilly to Senator to VP pick in less than two years?”
“Peter Thiel.”
“The guy who funded PayPal?!”
So, with everything going on in the Trump campaign which is currently rolling in giant piles of cash donated by self-proclaimed destroyers of society, to Trump himself thwarting assassination attempts with Neo-like skill and Divine Intervention, it seems Biden would have no need whatsoever to suspend his campaign. He can go on playing the part of the bumbling, ambling sick fool while the rest of us are mocked and treated like bumbling stupid fools by the carriers of the narrative who predominately live on the X platform, using the Twitter program to do so.
This is all very very ironic since it was Twitter, when owned by Jack Dorsey, where history went down. It was the first time in history a social media platform, or any platform for that matter, had more power and clout than the President of the United States. I remember it like it was yesterday. Let the history books reflect this terrible, terrible time in our Nation. Trump posts a video to Twitter saying he will support a peaceful transition of power. Moments later, on Jan. 8, 2021: Twitter permanently bars Mr. Trump from its service “due to the risk of further incitement of violence,” effectively cutting him off from his voters and followers and adoring fans. No more 2am toilet tweets for you, Mr. President! It was at that moment that @TwitterSafety held more power in its algorithm and more authority in the sweaty palm of the sniveling little dweeb that was manipulating it, than the President of the United States.
Of course, after that everybody and their mother was suddenly assassinated off the Twitter platform. User-influencers with millions of followers to any insignificant user with no influence and only a handful of followers to those who were trepidatiously entering into the realm of the little blue bird for the first time, tweeting out their very first questions or thoughts, just getting their little feet wet suddenly had their wings clipped. Anyone who dared question prevailing narratives around the Trump Administration or that other Administration That Was Supposed To Break Glass Ceilings was not to be tolerated! It felt as if there was a great culling of the good minds and a rush of bad energy swooped in to quickly cage these great tweeting minds, their little blue beaks nailed shut. Many said it felt like an attack on Free Speech. This terrible time in history was unleashed on us openly and admittedly by Democrats who celebrated the slashing and these dark dark times were made possible by using the Twitter program to do so.

Later someone who no one ever heard of, but apparently is the wealthiest man in the world, Elon Musk, a South African with about a dozen children from various women, whose narcissistic mother bares a suspicious resemblance to “Mom” on Futurama,

and a father who ran an Emerald mine or something, flew in out of nowhere and purchased Twitter, inheriting all its unpaid bills and was greeted with angry pitchforks by the committee of un-welcoming angry San Francisco Civic Leaders who felt duped by the previous Twitter Regime. The City of San Francisco gave tax breaks to the former Twitter Regime in exchange for the promise of Making You Know, San Francisco, A Better Place but shockingly the billionaires never made good on their promises and snuck out the back door after the deal with Musk was closed.
Somewhere in between firing a bunch of latte drinking, jet-setting, perpetual vacationing, overpaid, underworked Twitter employees, Musk was celebrated as bringing back the First Amendment when he reinstated many influential users and the man of the hour himself, Donald Trump. Astonishingly, users all over social media were peppering their feeds and podcasts with this idea that Elon Musk reinstated the First Amendment and “brought free speech back to America.”

In between pretending he is some sort of genius at Brain Computer Interface and traveling to Milwaukee to make a speech about fighting ballot harvesting at the Republican National Convention, Musk has also decided to leave California. The majority of San Francisco Democrats didn’t want him anyway because he’s a Libertarian. I would think they wouldn’t want him because he’s another billionaire fraud used by the state to do some sort of chicken dance in front of us while the real men with interests, like Peter Thiel, count all the money and increase their power because of all our data being harvested via Thiel’s company, Palantir. It’s wildly ironic and hypocritical that Musk is railing against harvesting ballots when he is so chummy with an actual data harvester.
The reason Musk gave for leaving California is because of a bill Gavin Newsom, current Governor of California, passed. The Bill says that school administrators or teachers won’t face retribution or punishment for reaching out to parents and talking with them about any gender issues students have. Um, so that actually sounds like a good thing. No one is being told they can’t talk to the parents which is what Musk, using the Twitter program to do so, claims.
Maybe the real reason Musk is leaving California is because the Twitter building he occupies is one of the largest, yet most vacant buildings on Market Street and it costs a fortune to occupy it. The taxes are outrageous, the Financial District is a dead zone and hey I’m no business major but it sounds like a bad investment. Perhaps he’s pulling his SpaceX business interests out of Los Angeles for similar reasons.
The point is if you’re going to pretend that the reasons for leaving California are based on some sort of ideology you oppose, in the form of a Governor’s Bill, then you might want to read the Bill first and get the deets right before you make yourself look even more ignorant tnan you are.
The real reason Musk is leaving California and moving all his operations to Texas is because that’s what business owners do in order to shore up their bottom line, not because they suddenly develop a conscience. But users on X are generating this false idea that the alleged billionaire is some sort of altruistic, conscientious protestor based on a bill they’re not even interpreting correctly, of course using the Twitter program to do so.
Of course only one or two people are even asking the real question: What happens to the thousands of people employed in Musk’s various business interests? Will they get some kind of severance package? Will they move with him to Texas? For being so altruistic and caring, neither Musk nor his followers have addressed this question. And, they could have easily addressed it on X, using the Twitter program to do so.
The Twitter program on X seems to now be where we all get all our breaking news. There is no one really speaking on anyone’s behalf anymore. For instance, it was discovered on the X platform, through the Twitter program, that for the first time ever Jamie Dimon didn’t attend his morning call one day this week. Jamie Dimon is the CEO of Chase and those in the finance industry have become accustomed to his animated morning calls, his creative analysis and his offbeat musings. Many users on X, using the Twitter program to do so, tweeted that he was probably with the Trump campaign discussing the possibility of becoming the next Secretary of the Treasury.
Another very influential X user, who generates his daily broadcasts on YouTube and the X platform (using the Twitter program to do so) is Dilbert creator Scott Adams. Despite the hit pieces written on him in the last year or so his follow-rate continues to increase, mostly because of his dry “dad wit” and his snarky responses to media sound bytes.
Mr. Adams has never missed a broadcast in all the years he’s been broadcasting live and yet today he notifies his followers, strictly on X, using the Twitter program to do so, that he would not be broadcasting today (July 18) due to what he thinks might be food poisoning.

I like to think that like, Mr. Dimon, Mr. Adams may be entertaining a possibility of a role in the next possible Administration like for instance, Press Secretary. In fact I voiced this on the X platform, using the Twitter program to do so.
And, as I mentioned above Joe Biden took to the X platform, using the Twitter program to do so, to announce he was sick.

In an open society, a situation like this would also require a press conference attended by the President’s doctor who would make a formal announcement and would field questions from the Press. These questions would presumably be representing questions the American people would have about the well-being of their President.
“What is his recovery time?”
“What is the diagnosis?”
“What tests have you run?”
The doctor would answer these questions and give updates. But in today’s world, something like this Tweet is thrown out to the public, using the Twitter program to do so with no context and leaving it up to all users who happen to have a presence on the X platform to speculate and wonder what’s next.
Is this how we will be notified in the future if, for instance, the country were to go to war?
Recently 500,000 Members were locked out of their Patelco Credit Union bank accounts. There were no text messages, emails or phone calls to indicate there was an outage and to explain why 500,000 Members could not log into their account.
This was the only method of communication at the first sign there was something wrong:

It feels as though users, who are represented by the human beings that curate their own personal accounts, are being pushed forward onto a platform and made to participate in a simulation. When users were locked out of their bank accounts for two weeks there was no real proof that the claim for the reason for the lockout, which was cyber terrorism, had any merit. We were supposed to take the digital transmissions, which eventually came in the form of emails signed by the CEO, as truth. We have no proof that she was actually sending the emails or even signing them. We have no proof that there was any evidence of cyber terrorism.
When Scott Adams posts that he probably has food poisoning, users are supposed to believe this digital confession at face value.
When Elon Musk reinstated some Twitter accounts that had been assassinated by the prior Twitter Regime, the trending message was that he alone brought back The First Amendment, thus creating a program in our mind that designed him as our country’s founder which is simply not true.
When a string of demands are made on a digital platform for a sitting President to suspend his campaign for future President and he responds with “I’m sick,” how are we supposed to translate that? is he responding to these demands in some passive aggressive way? Is he serious? Is he even really sick?
What comes next is a little weird and thought-provoking. How we translate these data points are based on the design of the ratio of the responses and the algorithms, and then the programming of that calculated information. In other words, our responses are being collected and whatever the most popular response is, wins the design and that is your answer, whether it’s true or not.
The outcome of the President using the Twitter program to generate an idea, “I’m sick,” has won the narrative and so, whether actually sick or not, he is sick. Since it’s been established any number of designs can be projected but the most popular outcome was a diagnosis of Covid-19. Therefore, in this simulation the President of the United States of America is sick and has Covid-19, and this is all based on user input, artificially generated responses and an algorithm.
By using X and generating our opinions and comments using the Twitter program, we are designing our own outcomes. There is equally a great potential for success as well as a great potential for the demise of a civilization.
Things suddenly got very serious, didn’t they? Well, they’re about to get even more serious.
Let me an introduce you to an individual who banks on the demise of a civilization. I recently learned that a guy by the name of Nathan Wolfe set up an office in San Francisco over 10 years ago, on Market Street, to monitor global pandemics. He is currently the founder of a company called Metabiota.

Metabiota was founded over 16 years ago and what it does is it enlists researchers to collect all data about how humans across the globe feel, cataloguing each symptom we type into our search engine. In the modern age when people are feeling unwell, they typically go to their search engine and type in their symptoms and they read through a bunch of reasons why they might be feeling the way they’re feeling. This information is collected by people like Nathan Wolfe and Peter Thiel
Again, all of this global data has been tracked and catalogued for a long, long time.
At the end of the day, the most popular searches or the most popular data points wins the virus or the pandemic, so to speak. This collection of user data is how pandemics are announced. Similar to using Twitter programs to field a thought or make an announcement, these programs are taking actual human information and then presenting that information to health departments, essentially, who will announce health emergencies based on the code that is created out of the data collected.
Labs are then funded, typically by the same funders who fund places like Metabiota, to confirm the data we the users are generating into browsers when we do our searches.
I’m not an academic but I seem to recall some in the academic circles complaining about statistical modeling, causal inference and the social science presented by Neal Ferguson to the Imperial College of London as the criteria for his prediction of a worldwide pandemic, despite the fact the data he collected and from which he created the code was 13 years old at the time. This was enough for the Imperial College of London, though, who, I believe along with many other institutions, presumably presented their findings to the World Health Organization who then declared a global pandemic.
Existentially, what this means is we, the users, are one of the reasons for our own enslavement and our own misery. One of the things we could do to stop creating our own immiserating experience is we could stop researching on the internet, inputting the data, which could then be made into code, and if we stopped being afraid of how we feel, then that information would potentially stop being weaponized against us. If only we could starve the beast, and feed less data into the labs or feed less reports into the leadership that is paid to announce pandemics.
Not going to the internet anymore is not a practical solution. We have to accept the modern world we live in. The search engine is here to stay. The browser is here to stay. The programming is here to stay. The convenience of the web is here to stay.
What should happen is there should be stronger language around protecting what we search for and that we must insist it not be allowed to be used to bolster the programming which would lead to our own oppression.
But until that happens, which may be never, we are dictating our own outcomes. How many times have I read a snarky comment on Twitter, “You know it’s been a while since we had the story of a mass shooting.” Then, look what happened on Saturday, July 13.
The data we feed into the search engines and the data around our purchasing habits to treat our myriad of ailments is a giant hydra of a social experiment.
It’s the social sciences.
So, yea. Remember the phrase “Trust the Science?” About that.
It was marketed out to us on our social media feeds, branded in our commercials and implanted in our subconscious and repeated over and over again and now indoctrinated into our school curriculum. We assumed the phrase “Trust the Science” was talking about biology.
They weren’t talking about biology! They were talking about the social sciences of our behavior, which is actually very very trustworthy actually.

You can’t argue with facts or data that says a certain amount of people searched on the internet for one specific physical ailment, can you? So when they said, “Trust the science,” you sure as heck better trust it because you helped develop the science they speak of.
And people like Peter Thiel and Nathan Wolfe have all your data, which is another way of saying they have your fears. They know you’re afraid of that mysterious bump on your arm, or pain in your leg, or that cough you can’t shake or that flu bug in your gut you’ve been fighting
They have the data to prove the science that says humans need to be prepared for the next pandemic. You built that science with your fingertips on a keyboard and your insatiable curiosity.
So yes, we are living in a simulation and generating our own realities using programs just like the Twitter program, to do so.