I listen to the All-In Podcast occasionally for personal reasons and to learn what’s going on in the tech and bio-tech world from billionaires who leverage their personal reputations and bank accounts and credit score with these investments. By listening to individuals who carry opposite views than you, you actually learn more than by immersing in a hysteria-induced echo chamber.
I was wishing there was an equivalent podcast, maybe the All-Out Podcast where the same types of billionaires, the Silicon Valley risk takers, would invest in Organics, or Natural Solutions or Egalitarian efforts, where they could do exactly what the All-In dudes do, and show graphs and charts and have healthy supportive debate and constructive conversations about a futures market in the value of the organic human-human.
My husband chuckled when I went on and on this morning wishing a podcast of this sort actually existed. It probably does but who knows.
What I’ve described is an example of a thesis, then reacted to it with an antithesis to come to a synthesis of something new. It exists in a dialectic that often falls off a cliff and comes crashing down into that warbly message “It’s the Hegelian Dialectic! It’s Problem. Reaction. Solution.”
I’m no expert on Hegel. So please if you are an expert, comment. If you attack, I’ll ignore you.
But, I’m pretty sure Hegel would look at All-In Podcast billionaires congratulating each other from their beautifully curated lives at the expense of everyone else and say “This concept of All-In Podcast is an interesting thesis.” Then Hegel might turn to my idea, which is everything that All-In is about except replace the AI investments or the CrisprCas9 or gene edited food investments or any of the silicon valley investments they talk about, with something organic and say “This too is an interesting antithesis to the thesis of All-In.” Then he might say, “Let’s discover the synthesis of this idea of mirroring something and creating something entirely new out of what is mirrored.”
We need a synthesis for everything. We need a mirror of CNN, but on the right side of history and explaining facts around tragedy, whether it’s Middle Eastern or Big Pharma. We need a mirror of NPR, but instead of focusing on the cut-outs from the CIA masquerading as Hollywood royalty, we create a national public radio that interviews true craftsmen of the Arts. We need a mirror of All-In, but instead of tech billionaires congratulating themselves in weekly podcast on the funding of companies that promote anti-human or anti-life intervention or investion, we need a podcast that does the exact same thing except for pro human and pro life interaction.
We need a synthesis of these current theses that seem to dominate our landscape. What is your antithesis to them?
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