Putting pieces together re Canada convoy.Here is a link that discusses The licensing settlement between Arbutus & Arcuitis- what this means is these two pharmaceutical tech companies hold the technology for liquid nano particles – and can fix the price for distribution of that product (LNP) in the market. Price fixing is unlawful.Lastly, let’s put it this way. The technology companies Arbutus & Acuitis are like mob bosses and the cops are closing in on their fraudulent activity. They’ve been cornered. When over there in the corner a baby is in a stroller. So they pick up the innocent baby to keep the cops from shooting them. Who’s the innocent baby? The innocent workers who are being cynically used for Arbutus & Acuitis to get away with fraud.So, who’s the cynic? Why the big distraction? Why is Trudeau on the run?https://www.spglobal.com/…/tren…/h9nycfqqp4gjfp_ycw3-1g2
Also noted: today on Reddit we discover Moderna CEO deletes Twitter account. How long before we discover he has dumped his stocks? https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/spy4ux/moderna_ceo_st%C3%A9phane_bancel_deleted_his_twitter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x

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