Some of you think that just because we announced Harris would be installed or at least running for POTUS this election cycle – all those years ago in the form of our speculative video essays – you’ve come to the conclusion that we might have inside knowledge and you’ve even reached out and asked us what our predictions might be for tomorrow’s (November 5, 2024) election.
Hear us now. Quote us later:
There’s a reason this election cycle falls on Guy Fawkes Day.
“Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason
Why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, ’twas his intent
To blow up the King and the Parliament
Three score barrels of powder below
Poor old England to overthrow
By God’s providence he was catch’d
With a dark lantern and burning match
Holler boys, holler boys, let the bells ring
Holler boys, holler boys
God save the King!”
In other words EXPECT shenanigans, drama and lots of distractions. We believe Guy Fawkes Day is significant, but rather than make an obvious move to blow up Congress, Congress blew up itself.
If you’ve read Katherine Watt your one take-away should be that Congress handed away and eroded its own power, even when they didn’t have the power to do so, which essentially means our Constitutional Republic has suffered a slow erosion over time and we believe it took its final breath on March 13, 2020 when an unlawful, anti-Constitutional health emergency declaration was announced.
This means all bets are off. The vault was opened and all manner of propaganda, psychological warfare tricks, weather warfare programs, deceptions regarding health mandates, media babble, invasive spying, manipulation, corporate take-overs, opening of funding streams to fund anti-life initiatives and even a strong, subservient open-faced bow to China in the form of the current First Lady Jill Biden donning a panda suit for Halloween, was unleashed onto the unsuspecting masses and chokes out any semblance of what it means to individually represent or influence a system which has long dismissed its own Citizens.
Our opinion and speculative assessment for USA Election 2024 is that we will be told the ballots are going to take a long time to count. We may not have an official announcement until late January 2025. Whoever is installed, though, the other team may accuse the winning team of cheating and rigging.
We think that during this downtime while ballots are being recounted and rigging or cheating is ruled out, it essentially means we are without a figurehead so someone is going to have to temporarily occupy the space and we believe that may be Speaker Johnson. It’s important to have a moderate looking, reasonable looking and rational seeming individual as figurehead while the entire world has a collective meltdown during this waiting period.
Based on one very odd reaction from Newsom that he believes Iowa will go to Trump – his flailing arms, word salad and giddy nature couldn’t be ignored – we think he hopes Trump wins so he can run against him in 2028.
So what’s our prediction?
It almost always comes back to San Francisco – and it’s Silicon Valley investors and shareholders- taking over our government and Congress. With Trump’s band of San Francisco merry men who have engorged his Presidential campaign and are now lining up to influence policy and declarative non-law law, he will set up this fascist machine (in the true sense of the word, as Mussolini defined) so that when Newsom slides in, it’s an easy transition to retain and grow the small circle of technocratic power. Congress, and the citizens who allegedly voted them in, never had a chance.
Remember remember the 5th of November.
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