The New York Times dropped an article today. We didn’t read it because it lives behind a paywall.
Apparently in the article Fauci admits masks don’t work. Admits that the vaccine didn’t stop transmission. Admits lockdowns didn’t work and natural immunity does. You would have to read the article yourself to confirm this is what he implies.
The question we posit on this platform is why is the timing of this article so important? Will the liberal sector display humble contrition for their part in promoting what amounted to nothing more than a military campaign to deploy a prototype, a biological experiment on a population folded into a psychological terror campaign?
This article comes directly on the heels of a most beloved and revered Fox personality being taken away from his adoring fans. Why is this important?
Is the Times attempting to redeem itself by walking back their support of another military campaign in the same way they walked back their support of a brutal regime change operation in Iraq?

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