Click the image to listen to the experts in media and marketing discuss how Kayla Henry and Jeremy from The Iconic Podcast are controlled opposition. JP & Julie discuss everything from the lighting and sound effects both Kayla and Jeremy use to curate their message as well as their backgrounds:

In this discussion the artists talk about who exactly is controlled opposition. They go into detail explaining what to look for when watching videos of people who are controlled opposition.
Two personalities have taken the podcast industrial complex by storm and are controlled opposition:
The first is Kayla Henry. This is her only video on YouTube. It’s only been public for 2 weeks yet it has over 30,000 views and counting. Here is her IMDB page:

The second is The Iconic Podcast:

Take a look at this word salad document (there are a lot of these types of documents that pop up when a search on “Iconic Podcast” or Jeremy Elliot is done). Once the document comes up, do a find and scan search for Jeremy embedded in the document itself, you’ll see that he has a history in commentary and gaming that goes back to 2008, plus it looks like the podcast was renamed and re-branded (and funded by gamers) and is now what we all know as “The Iconic Podcast.” Yet, we don’t know who Jeremy is, which tells us he is the tool used to re-brand an outrage through the “podcast industrial complex.”
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