We’ve discovered through Naomi Wolf and Karen Kingston that the technology in the Covid injections are partially Chinese-owned. There is FAR more information on these injections and you can read the reports here and here. These same reports indicate an alarming rise in reproductive complications (that’s putting it mildly) with a particular concentration on the West. It feels as if Western families, through complications of pregnancies due to the Covid injections or some sort of strange betrayal of being satisfied with your own gender, are undergoing a 360-degree sterilization process and some members of the corporate-owned media aren’t allowed to talk about it.
Further, a report from Edward Dowd and his partner on the disturbing rise of death and disability in the third quarter of 2021, right around the time the Covid injections were mandated in the private sector, can be found here.
These reports are direct, well-researched and impossible not to see unless users choose to remain biased against them.
Now let’s talk about the nuances of non kinetic war and see who might be the unwitting, or witting, players of soft influence (soft power) which isn’t so direct. In fact, if you blink you might miss it.
Soft power is a major part of this ongoing assault. In fact I would argue it’s the glue that keeps this thing put together. Soft power convinces someone of something rather than making blunt-force demands. It is used through your local school districts to your favorite streaming shows to shape perception of people.
Two examples of soft power:
The Hulu hit, “Only Murders In the Building”, tells the story of an unlikely “Scooby Gang” alliance between a fastidious has-been played by Steve Martin; a frivolous, over-the-top former, dramatic Broadway director who puts good money toward bad played by Martin Short; and a gloomy millennial played by Selena Gomez. They live in an apartment building in Manhattan managed by Bunny, a cranky, secretive older New York Jewish woman with an interesting past and colorful connections. In this screen grab, she is discussing handing the reins of managing the apartment building over to the plotting, unfriendly Asian woman who’s always taken extra care in making herself useful in the building, obsessively focusing on making sure she gets the coveted role of managing it so she can push it into the 21st century (she wants to put a giant surveillance balloon of some sort over the building). Once Bunny is found dead though, and she is no longer a suspect in Bunny’s murder, and after she gives birth to her baby, she redeems herself to the building staff by easing up on her strict, intransigent mandates and shows her softer side. She has infiltrated this well-to-do community and subtly changes their perception.

The Netflix hit, “Locke and Key” tells the story of the Lockes: a widow and her children move into the childhood home of their deceased husband/father only to discover hidden keys secretly stashed all over the house. These keys open portals to the past, hidden strengths, hidden fears, memories and the underworld. A secondary character to the Lockes is “Ellie”, the local high school coach. It seems as if Ellie suffers the most as her character is assaulted, her body is possessed by an evil entity, she is thrown into the pits of hell, is mother to a developmentally challenged son who she obviously didn’t give birth to but took responsibility for, for some reason, only to have her character assassinated in the real world by the local school administrator who lies and says Ellie’s disappearance is a result of mental illness and that she is back in town after found wandering aimlessly on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, PA. In this screen grab, the Administrator redeems herself to Ellie by welcoming her back to her job at the school:

Although these two characters in these popular shows are not main characters, their presence should be noted as we face the battle of psychological war that hits us at every single turn.
Notice how both women have their hand placed on their pregnant stomachs.
Do I need to spell out the obvious messaging here? In light of the detailed reports of the assault on Western women’s reproductive health as a result of a product partially owned by the Chinese, the position of these characters in their roles almost feels as if we are being taunted.
Reaching back to my short sojourn into theater-craft, I recalled learning that on stage when a woman puts her hand on her pregnant stomach the message is to display her Madonna position of holiness and virtuous nature, an artful representation of her status in the scene. This position of placing a hand on the pregnant stomach is actually rarely seen in theater or art which is why if you don’t know its true meaning, you might miss it. But, the message is clear: the Asian women are benevolent, forgiving, fertile, useful and in positions of power. In both productions they were in charge of something. In OMITB, she now manages every person who lives in this large Manhattan apartment complex. In L&K, she is the Administrator of the local high school, approving the curriculum, hiring and firing staff and ensuring the school follows all policy and mandates.
I also found it telling that in each case these fertile, seemingly benevolent characters were involved with and had some power over a black woman and a Jewish woman: Bunny is Jewish and has now been replaced now that she is dead. Ellie is black and has now been allowed back into her position after her “mental breakdown.”
To me, the subtlety of these characters screams a larger, prevailing unspoken message: “We are the new power. We are the new labor force, we control and manage the labor force and we are the fertile women who will bear the fruit of the future. We are the new managers, the new leaders, the new queens of Western culture and your oppressive past is behind you now that we are here to announce the rules, policies and operations.”
We are of the mindset that China doesn’t necessarily want our land, but they want to control it, manage it and profit from it. When looking at the alarming death toll of well-paid employees in the private sector in the third quarter of 2021, allow me to be blunt. Less of us make their job of managing us that much easier.
Meanwhile, just as I was deciding whether to even write this blog post or not, knowing I would probably sustain acidic vitriol and attacks for even suggesting such a thing, I discovered the latest holiday marketing promo at Nordstrom. Note who is wearing the crown.

It should be made abundantly clear that my concern over these trending images has nothing to do with the culture itself or the race of the characters. I could care less who represents characters on tv shows or who is used to market a holiday theme. My concern has to do with the controversial ownership and partnerships with Chinese companies currently funded to the tune of billions of dollars and given more control over a product that seems to be causing harm to a targeted area (Western populations).
Doesn’t it stand to reason that funding would also go into the subtle marketing of a concept to gradually introduce the idea that we are managed by them as well?
When in a 360 degree assault we cannot simply wave away this subtle messaging, symbolism and marketing campaigns.
Also recommended, listen to today’s free 30 minute audio post: https://book-of-ours.com/product-placement-wants-you-to-stay-cozy-this-holiday-season-the-cdcs-cya-cynical-move/
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