It’s pretty rare for me to blog the same day I do a Friday live broadcast. You can watch that broadcast here: https://rumble.com/v54bjpw-the-pathway-to-newsom-..-mayb3.html
But I couldn’t shake the idea that the reporter who jumped in front of Newsom as he was making his way out of the debate area, amongst throngs of people, and asked him how he felt about the attention he was getting was a signal for us. Her bright red microphone was the only remarkably standout image in this scene. Emblazoned with the number “13”, I knew there had to be a message we should pay attention to. I just didn’t know what it was.
My husband JP reminded me, after I finished my Friday broadcast where I talked about a possible pathway to Newsom as the Democratic Nominee, that the Number 13 often represents Judas, the Apostle said to have betrayed Jesus. He was the 13th guest at the Last Supper.
Despite Newsom’s insistence on remaining loyal to Biden, chastising the media and the public for going down rabbit holes and ultimately admonishing voters for abandoning Biden, the fact is his words are as empty and meaningless as they’ve ever been.
This is because he probably knew what was going to happen today, the day after the debate.
In less than 24 hours after the debate, three Supreme Court rulings have reversed laws that benefited Democrats in some ways and in some cases these laws span decades and in other cases, these Supreme Court decisions are hoaxes themselves because they are based on hoax-law. Newsom must have known this was coming.
The first Supreme Court ruling came about just days after the story of the persona/actor known as Julian Assange was released from prison to go live the rest of his life in apparent freedom and obscurity in Australia. This story has ended but I knew it was a signal for some other kind of story about individuals being held against their will outside of due process, without any official charges being filed against them, for the crime of being human or something or worse, exercising their right to assemble or free speech.
Right on cue, just as the actor known as Julian Assange, exits stage left the media releases yet another story-within-a-story. This story is based on a hoax-story. Things get pretty meta here and twisty, so I’ll attempt to write as plainly as I can.
We were told a story that a bunch of people that visited the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 staged an insurrection. Apparently AOC’s hair was on fire as she crouched under a desk in another building and Nancy Pelosi’s desk was defiled with dookie. This story of the insurrection was the dumbest story ever scripted by what I can only assume is a failed Hollywood writer. Anyone who believes it needs their head examined. But, out of that story came another story: that the Insurrectionists were arrested and held without any due process or official charges. Since the whole thing was a ruse, a hoax, fake and pre-recorded for the media to stream, long before the actual date it was released to the media (January 6), there were no arrests and no one went to jail. Because it’s a hoax, from bottom to top. The insurrections are fake, the people are actors, the story of them being arrested is fake. It’s all a story just pushed out by the media to suspend your last semblance of intelligent thinking.
Maybe, probably the only real person to be affected is Peter Navarro. The story we are told is he is the first former White House official to go to prison after being convicted of contempt of Congress. Navarro was charged and found guilty after he refused to comply with a subpoena from the House select committee that investigated the January 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. But how can he reply to a subpoena from an event that was entirely fabricated from the bottom up.
Anyway, the first Supreme Court ruling that came within a day or two of the story of actor/persona Julian Assange’s waddle to freedom and which also came less than 24 hours after the debate was this: the Supreme Court makes it harder to charge Capitol riot defendants with obstruction which is a charge that Trump also faces. So, a fake ruling was covered in the media on a fake story about fake actors who faked an insurrection. Got it. Whatever it takes, because this ruling makes the pathway to another Trump Presidency much easier, right MAGA?
No sooner could Democrats pick themselves up off the floor after this devastating ruling (they relished the story that innocent people were held in cages without trial or due process), then another ruling came out of nowhere.
This ruling is the overturning of the Chevron Doctrine or sometimes referred to as the Chevron Decision. Despite this ruling being passed in 1984 during a Republican (Reagan) regime democrats, especially when they stacked the courts, benefitted greatly from it. The regime that benefited most, it seems, was the Clinton Administration.
What the Chevron decision ultimately came down to is this: when Congress passes a law that lacks specificity, courts must give wide leeway to decisions made by the federal agencies charged with implementing that law. Ultimately it gave agencies like the EPA or the FDA, and the committees within those agencies more power to influence law. The Supreme Court overruled it today and I can only imagine how many jobs within these agencies have been gutted as a result. This decision would also be a huge blow to the Democratic Party since I imagine many members of the Party occupy these Federal Agency committee positions.
The third, and I’m sure not the last, blow that came in the form of a Supreme Court ruling today is regarding homeless encampments. In 2018 Grants Pass was passed. This is a law that made it illegal for city officials to criminalize homeless people and dispose of their encampments.Today the U.S. Supreme Court granted cities more power to arrest, cite and fine people who sleep outside in public places — overturning six years of legal protections for homeless residents.
This is a stunning turn for the Democrats who championed the “live and let live” attitude regarding homelessness.
So, what does all this have to do with Newsom and his pretense of loyalty to Biden and the Democratic Party? I would guess he knew these three Supreme Court decisions were coming down the pike. He knows these rulings will inevitably cement a Trump presidency and yet, he pays allegiance to the Party and Biden. Despite this duplicity, I still believe he will be the Democratic Nominee that replaces Biden though.
Unlike Judas who felt remorse for turning on his man and ultimately hung himself for his act of betrayal, Newsom will be amply rewarded.
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