You’re being gaslit.
This means that people in authority who really hate you, want you, their dependents, to believe there is a deadly disease or pathogen or virus that has killed many and could kill you.
This is propaganda of the deed. When you’re being told people are dying when they are not, they may as well be throwing bombs in your lap.
Narcissists and psychopaths will often tell you how much they love you and how sad they are that somebody died, while openly plotting to kill you.
It doesn’t help when you’ve got well meaning people saying “Well, it could be a disease that is not as deadly as they want us to think it is.” Quit waffling! You’re not helping! It doesn’t exist. By saying that, you’re giving these psychos a pass.
What you’re SUPPOSED TO DO at the onset of fascism and tyranny is give ZERO PASSES AND ZERO FUCKS to these assholes, or their flunky order followers, the managerial class.
IT is not real.
It’s a marketing campaign. You’re being gaslit. The hospitals are not overflowing. People are not dying of a disease that’s never been isolated. Everything is a lie.
Hospitals are closing necessary resources for patients who actually do need care, like cancer patients. Doctors have no work and their practices are laying them off. Doctors are actually bragging about getting minimum wage jobs and picking up gardening or cycling or something. Nurses are being replaced with TikTok dancers.
You’re being gaslit.
They’re making fun of you with articles like this. They really hate you and want to kill you. Or keep you enslaved to services that can only exist as long as you’re poor.
The infrastructure of your country, your democracy, what you thought you knew was freedom, autonomy, self-will, sovereignty, the American Dream, all of it has incinerated and what you’re left with is a heap of lies, bullshit, gaslighting and authoritarianism and.. dancing… to fill this giant black hole of a void that was once filled with Fake Empire.
Viruses exist. Sure. They always have. But not this one. And it’s not causing a disease.
If you’re like me you’re cynical enough to look at this candlelit vigil as a desperate attempt to win over a public that has long since tossed their leadership aside and said “Yea. Fool me once… Go fuck yourself pal.”
It’s nearly been a year. You’re a grown up. Act like it.
Right now we’re working on a video essay that will explain WHY you need to have your entire human existence inverted, tossed onto the pyre and turned to ash.
I should give you some insight into myself: I’m not sentimental and I always believe the worst about people until they prove otherwise. I have to say, in the Age of Covid, some pretty great people have proven themselves to me.
So it’s really easy for me to look anyone squarely in the eye and say “The goal is to enslave you and kill you. Once you’re dead, they’ll capture all your data and thoughts and everything you’ve ever said or done on social media and turn it into an AI program.
Until then, they’ll barely keep you alive while berating you ceaselessly: telling you you’re a pathogen carrying carbon mouth breathing basement dwelling deplorable that doesn’t even deserve to walk upright into your favorite market and buy gummy bears.
Get your fucking mask on, slave. Because it’s nothing but poverty and misery for you here on out until you’re dead. And here’s some nice bullshit technology to distract you and enslave you until we’re done with you.”
But the video essay will say it in a much nicer, more creative artistic way, I promise.
We’re also working with a patron on another video essay about property rights and the 5th Amendment. What we’ve uncovered so far is eye-opening and ties right in with these anti-life, hating-of-anything-human-and-real existence that we are being shoved into.
Personally, we find our patrons and our friends much more interesting than a bunch of douchebags who pose for Hill articles and like to pretend they are God.
If you have an idea and you want a couple of artists to make it into a video essay reach out to info@book-of-ours.com because I’m telling you, we need to start countering these bullshit headlines from sources like The Hill with much more interesting and realistic messages.
Isn’t it getting old? The gas-lighting that is. Isn’t it?
“It’s a cult!” You might say when looking at this photo.
It’s not a cult. It’s a bunch of actors playing their part in a marketing campaign. Someone told them where to stand. Someone also gave them the candles. Someone else handed them their mask. Someone else told them the kind of clothes to wear. Someone else told them they should stand on these steps.
It’s theater, not a cult.
They want you to think it’s a cult because they are narcissists and need you to react so they can have a supply. If you just roll your eyes and say “Nice try, bucko,” and go about your life and yourself you starve the narcissist out of existence.
Such an over-the-top display shows me that it’s working. They are so desperate for attention they’re willing to look like a scene out of that silly movie “Eyes Wide Shut.”
book of ours are working artists and could really use your help. By becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/bookofours you can help support us as we continue to archive history in unique and creative ways through our video essays. You can find all of our work at http://www.youtube.com/bookofours and our back-up channel at book of ours backup on YouTube. The artists can be reached at info@book-of-ours.com