I’ve lost all patience with people who continue to legitimize this thing that isn’t a global health crisis. This is all about marketing and branding to RESHAPE HOW YOU THINK OF YOURSELF AS A HUMAN BEING.
Ok, I’m done shouting now.
The make-believe health crisis is a marketing campaign. The brand is COVID-19 like Kleenex is a brand. SARS-Cov2 is the product to support the brand in the same way tissue to wipe your nose is a product that supports the Kleenex brand. If you don’t understand branding, then stop reading this, shut down your computer screen and continue to believe the lie.
After crunching the numbers it was decided that scaring the shit out of a healthy population and making them believe they are a walking pathogen was far more lucrative and believable than the never-ending WAR ON TERROR that a lot of people stopped taking seriously about 60 seconds after 9/11 took place.
There’s a hell of a lot more money in scapegoating all of humanity to think they are a pathogen-carrying domestic terrorist than there is in scapegoating brown people in the Middle East. So, all you propaganda guzzling racists out there that bought the “Brown People are Bad” bullshit, thanks a lot. The 9/11 event was just the test balloon to turn us all into terrorists.
Even if you claim this marketing campaign which was constructed by ad men and silicon valley programmers is “not as deadly as the common cold” it still legitimizes it. Hey, Genius. It’s not a cold. It’s not a variation of a cold. It’s not a flu. It’s not just from China either. (Yo, Israel. How you doing?)
It’s not a health related emergency at all. It’s class war to make us all poverty-slaves to a digital plantation. “Globotics” is our newest video essay which will be exclusive to patrons. Become a patron at www.patreon.com/bookofours.
Remember this Gamed Out Simulation Marketing Event? Click the image and read all about it. There have only been hundreds if not thousands of bloggers, writers and broadcasters, mainstream or otherwise, that have gone into great detail about this Simulation which took place in October, 2019. Seriously, you guys would not stop talking about this for almost an entire year. All you gamers out there were chomping at the bit wondering how you can get in on the action for the next one. Oh, not to worry. You’ll have PLENTY of opportunity.. Keep reading.
Click here to learn about the players at Event 201:

Because of this branded Event and the mob that funds it, your normal human experiences in life have been inverted. This means you’re living in the upside down. Healthy people have to suffocate themselves and their children if they want to shop or go to school. (My 7 year old neighbor – a healthy little black boy- recently told me “I like the mask. It means I get to go to places like shopping and the park. And I get to take it off to breathe when teacher tells me I can.”).
An outrageous laughable war on common sense waged on the public through the press and media and all actors portraying tv or internet versions of themselves convince you to do harm to yourself. That’s how good the marketing is. They’re like that psychopathic sibling you had who would grab your arm and force you to punch yourself in the face then say, “Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself. Stop hitting yourself.”
Because of this marketing event, many of you are acting like assholes and zombies and doing yourselves harm when there’s really no need to. Like, at all. So, stop hitting yourself. Really, stop. Take off the mask.
And don’t even get me started on these god damn TikTok vidoes. Here’s my response to them. Click play:
I’m really sick of it. And so are you!
But marketing campaigns are superfluous, ubiquitous, never-ending and everywhere. They are a panopticon of applied psychology, waterboarding your critical thought, drowning out your sense of reason and your brain acts like wormfood to master harvesting of your own understanding of what it means to make decisions for yourself and every time you fall for it, they sharpen their techniques and strategies on you.
But, the occasional marketing campaign needs legitimacy. Check out this boring ass snooze fest of a white paper that comes out of the Journal of International Crisis & Risk Communication Research. Click the image to read it.
Are you still with me? Good, because here is where it gets REALLY fun.
See this guy? Doesn’t he look like the life of the party!

Petey here is part of a team that works in the public health promotion department at Johns Hopkins. He learned all his trickery and SORCERY from one of the most influential ad agencies in the world.
Push play:
The thing about Johns Hopkins is they don’t need to partner with anyone except Bill Gates. As long as they have the talent like Peter Tovak and his co-team, they can make you believe anything at all.
If you want to see what they have planned next, just click their marketing brochure!
Look, I get it. Not everyone has a marketing, theater, design and sales background. Not everyone is a tried and true cynic. Not everyone recognizes how crucial billion dollar marketing campaigns are when human beings need to be reshaped into currency for the corporate class and all the manager-collaborators that help them. I get it! These are complicated issues.
Actually, fuck it. No. They’re not complicated. You’re smothering your kid and offering yourself up to be a guinea pig for medical experiments because you don’t know how to think for yourself.
Stop dragging me and my friends down with you into your psychosis. This is a marketing campaign. We all grew up with Marketing and Advertising since birth. Learn how to smell the bullshit and grow up.
book of ours are working artists and could really use your help. By becoming a patron at www.patreon.com/bookofours you can help support us as we continue to archive history in unique and creative ways through our video essays. You can find all of our work at http://www.youtube.com/bookofours and our back-up channel at book of ours backup on YouTube. The artists can be reached at info@book-of-ours.com