With very little time these days, and a 14-page script to weed through and add all the features to make a salient video essay, there’s been little time to do my daily audios for the blog. It took me 9 hours to build around 3 paragraphs.
This is my script, I wrote it, my (found) music and my (found) features. So, it’s taking a long time. It’s going to be something I’m proud of. Something embedded in those digital history books. Because, as I always say, I’m archiving history.
I originally was going to call the video essay “War Crimes” but am considering a new title “The New Constitution.”
I have a myriad of jumbled thoughts about currency use, life, holiday, the Age of Covid and the human experience, AND the 3-letter agencies so I’ll make an attempt to communicate all of this here.
It’s ok if you don’t use cash everyday. Not all of us are luddites (and I don’t mean that in a derogatory sense) or have the privilege to drag ourselves to the bank and pull out cash for every. little. thing. The purity tests seem to be getting stricter and stricter these days and it’s impossible for average humans to pass them.
With the holidays upon us, people will allow sentimentality to override their survival skills. As we’ve seen our entire lives but especially in the Age of Covid, holidays are an excuse for your abuser to continue abusing because holidays tend to represent those squishy feelings of forgiveness. Forgiveness is only an excuse for your abuser to continue their patterns of abuse. You can have a relationship with your abuser. You can laugh with them and know them. But you don’t have to forgive them. They’ll know this and always feel a little uncomfortable with you because you, their prey and scapegoat, now have the upper hand.
If you’ve made it this far untested and unvaxxed then you’re the strongest person alive. Be proud of that and soon the time will come when you won’t have to hide this fact. The days of ghosting, judging and abusing you are over. You were never wrong. You were always right. They allowed themselves to be coerced. Some got wind of the grift right away and only took the first shot. Some got pressured or coerced over and over again and caved.
The rise of dead bodies are a direct result of a genocidal campaign steered and operated by the Dept. of Defense, Health and Human Services, the CDC, the FDA, the NIH and the NIAID and a myriad of other agencies, local and global, that have ORCHESTRATED a biological terror campaign by unleashing a toxin on the population then doubling down on this terror campaign by insisting you take another toxin to protect you from the first. This is what it is. This is what’s happening. All the masking, testing, kits, vaccines, rules, and bullshit that so many have engaged in are victims of this campaign of terror with the Dept of Defense strong-arming this thing right into our graves.
With 2023 around the corner, it’s really time to transfer some of that social media genius and apply it in the real world. The human experience wasn’t meant to be funneled into a personal social media feed, digitizing your secrets and soul’s passions. Those on the right side of history, with money to help them along the way, travel all over the world to be with people to share their story about The Age of Covid, what they’ve learned, where they’re going and how they’re coping. Not everyone has that kind of money to find their tribe in states or countries far away, so you’re going to have to get local.
Trying to maintain any sense of normal life or normalcy when annihilation of human life is the goal is impossible. Having a sense of humor though helps. Joking about how they’re murdering us in cold blood might seem a bit macabre but it works somehow.
Some of the go-to language or recent news items that might be getting stale but still something we should keep our eye on:
Digital currency. Just because it was voted on by global leaders doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.
Chinese protests. Is it odd they erupted right when Fauci was in a 7 hour deposition. Might be something we want to look into.
ESG/SDG goals. These are goals to take your property and basically your freedom. So I ask, if you’re ok with being a renter forever and never really have to go anywhere far to get what you need, then do you feel like a prisoner. It’s when they start instituting passports to go to the deli that you might start to worry. But it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen anytime soon.
That’s all I have time to say right now. There will be more later.
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