The Northern Lights, or what is called Aurora Borealis, happened as it always happened, in the North. These Aurora events are caused by solar flares.
It is not possible nor has it ever been possible nor will it ever be possible for the Northern Lights (also known as Aurora Borealis ) to be seen in the South.
To claim you or your social media connection saw Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Lights, in southern or even western United States is like saying you enjoyed dipping your toes in the salty Atlantic or Pacific Ocean when you visited central Iowa recently.
As we all know, although we, Book of Ours, are starting to question what people actually do know, the oceans are only on the west coast and east coast. The Gulf of Mexico touches the southern coastal regions of the United States and it too is not geographically possible to dip your toes in when say visiting, Iowa.
Here is what happened in May 2024 and what is causing a veritable shitstorm of idiocy and suspended logic, the likes of which we’ve never seen which we didn’t even think was possible.
A geomagnetic storm did take place. This is a natural occurring event. The media said it was going to be bigger than normal. This is a lie.
The space weather prediction agencies issued a “storm watch” due to the potential of a geomagnetic storm, and they also claimed a “G5” level storm was coming.
The attached photo is captured from this site: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/…/aurora-dashboard-experimental
You can clearly see the Aurora Borealis does not even hit Illinois let alone California, Florida or Alabama.
As far as the purple images you’re seeing trending on social media from users who ARE in California, Illinois or Alabama or Florida, those images are translated as purple and pretty because the iPhone has the technology to translate the actual sky events that were happening in these regions, as the color purple.
The actual colors that some users in these regions are claiming they saw were wisps of green, or more subdued colors, or reflected or refracted light, and are most likely HAARP experimental activity. But when the users posted them on their social media pages they came up purple or pink or variations of brighter colors.
What these users saw or claimed they saw in these regions where the Aurora Borealis has never in the history of the world ever taken place, was not actually an Aurora event but most likely a geoengineered event conducted by HAARP, since HAARP itself has admitted their experiments or exercises may take on the look of an Aurora event.
It’s important to emphasize that two events took place at the same time:
1. The naturally occurring geomagnetic storm, or solar flares in the North, that NOAA was talking about
2. HAARP experimental activity everywhere else
Most likely HAARP used the first event as cover for their own experimental activity. Most likely the media and social media is complicit in fielding this entirely erroneous and factually impossible idea that Aurora Borealis, also known as Northern Lights, were seen anywhere but where they actually occurred, which was in the North.
You can listen to our discussion on this here: https://rumble.com/v4ujh7z-discussing-the-may-2024-aurora…
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