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In case you have a hard time viewing the thread for whatever reason here are the 20 points tweeted today:
1) Simplest answer is always the best. In no particular order, just thinking this through. Headlines: We have a fentanyl crisis in the USA that has slowly risen over the years & in some cases quadrupled from one year to the next. I believe these headlines.
2) Some *don’t* believe people became very ill or even died of something that was far worse or far distorted from a virus. I am not one of those people. In late 2019 or early 2020 a rise of illnesses & deaths occurred due to some sort of toxic event3) Not many will admit the deployment of toxins being marketed as”Covid“ or the deployment of toxins being marketed as “COVID-19 vaccines” is a controlled, focused, organized military operation. I “wrote the book” on it & made it public January 1, 2023
4) Not many understand this is class war & all financial resets require a resetting of the population’s thought processes & attitudes about health. A military operation, we may still be going through the breaking down phase. We are all collateral now: wealthy to impoverished.
5) Within this military operation where all our institutions & government agencies have turned on their own people, most oppositional voices will be squelched. A good many will be allowed to be seen & will be popularized. I’m not one of those.
6) Military ops require eroding families in order to weaken the enemy.The enemy is us by the way, average American citizens. A slow decline in family. For instance, no one in my family speaks to me for years & I have no idea why + targeted cultural identity campaigns do the job
7) Obviously targeting of American citizens by their own government & institutions is fascism.This has been going on for a long time.The covid op helped peel away blinders to quite a few Americans who couldn’t see this targeting before. Welcome aboard. You’ll be here a while.
8) Once a few “wins”were allowed (masks & vaccine proof no longer mandated) Americans went back to their camps to pick up the “cause du jour” rather than work on themselves & reflect on what just happened. Social media has been instrumental in slowly eroding inner dialogue.
9) In military ops where there is focus on a targeted population there is death. Not just at the butt of a gun or a dirty bomb or a missile. It can come in all forms: suicide, poisoning, murder of one another. Death has now become normalized in American culture. Trauma victims.
10) Most Americans exist in PTSD & don’t realize it. Death has touched each & every demographic of America in one way or another. This is what a military operation does. It creates complex trauma, PTSD, social trauma, trauma via authority.
11) The military operation to kill & break down Americans through trauma comes in many forms. I keep hearing the echoes of Mike Pompeo “we are in a live exercise.” There isn’t one exercise happening as the war on Americans takes place. It’s multi pronged.
12) Are cartels flooding our cities giving rise to fentanyl deaths? yes. Are pharmaceutical companies/ HHS etc working hand in glove with Defense Dept to deploy poisons? yes. Is gain of function research real? yes. Are sustainable development surveillance/control models real?yes
13)A key to US gov’t & its agencies & institutions targeting of enemy combatants (Americans) is to create a lack of transparency of information, to create chaos & to lie.Lies have been called propaganda but they are just lies. It’s the trademark of psychopaths & serial killers.
14) Draining the targeted enemy (Americans) of its worth, its self esteem, its value & its dignity & transferring these qualities to stories of oppressed areas outside of the American scope is key. Gaza is more important than you. Ukraine is more important than you.
15) “Shock & awe”- Bush described his military prowess all those years ago: an intelligence signal for the rest of our life. Shootings in schools. Shootings in subway stations. Mysterious viruses. Massive layoffs. Held in jails w/out charges or due process.True Justice never seen
16) Instruments in social media like the block option are key in eroding inner dialogue,eroding fair & enlightened communication. Algorithms at times are to blame, they sweep & randomly block. But to have the option to blot out dialogue is dangerous & wholly disintegrates society
17) It’s ok to have outlandish ideas about what your oppressor is doing to you. For instance I believe certain 2019 flu vials were filled w/fentanyl or a version of it. This would explain why late 2019/early 2020 ppl who were typically healthy were showing signs of being poisoned
18) Poisoning Americans has been going on for years. Toxins released in skies, foods filled w/additives & poisons, waters corrupted, even our clothes are made with toxic materials. Gov’t, its institutions have the means to create a vibrant society but they invest in death. Why?
19) While the government & its institutions systemically attempt to destroy our natural inclination to love, friendship, relationship, vibrancy & dignity they do what narcissist do:they slowly undermine us & convince us we are to blame. Plastic straws kill the whales for instance
20) My last point. Without a $28 blue check this thread may not reach you. Live in gratitude, pride, dignity & create a balance of music & art. Fall in love w/nature.Be near water. It’s ok to eat a little sugar & fat. Find someone to touch who will touch you back.Adopt an animal
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