In October 2020, the Welsh government instituted a hard lockdown. They’ve designated what items are non essential and barred consumers from purchasing them.
Here are screen captures from Twitter of aisles and items taped off. Included are art supplies, greeting cards, cleaning supplies, toys, what look to be over the counter pharmaceuticals, some food items, clothing and books.

Rows of items with police tape covering them, or wrapped in plastic, or entire departments barricaded off in the store tells the consumer it is a criminal or dangerous act to associate with these items. This psychological conditioning is a forceful shove into the online experience.
The first attack on humanity comes in the form of eradicating choice and cutting off interaction with our senses. Being able to try on clothes or use actual paper and pencils to draw with or pick up and put back items that do or do not appeal to us on an emotional level are all human experiences that are going away.
Whether we like shopping or not, isn’t the problem. The fact that it’s being decided for us has long term damaging emotional effects. We, as humans, need to take back what’s been taken from us.
In my opinion the items will be shipped to an Amazon warehouse for personal distribution.
Shopping and what shopping involves, like the mask, is the first outward tangible example of the transition into a new model of life.
We discuss this more at length in our video essay, “The Great Reset.”
Please watch with friends and family members to discuss how to navigate this new model and do what works for you to maintain human experiences and interaction.
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