My former neighbor would be a multi-millionaire right now if it weren’t for The Prep Act. No amount of money or justice can replace the medical murder of a loved one but there should be at least some admission of guilt through compensation.
In 2021 my neighbor’s 40-something year old daughter, a mother of three, was suffering from a persistent cough. She took herself to the Emergency Room in Pittsburgh, PA, and was never seen or heard from again.
I had no idea any of this had happened until we ran into my neighbor in 2022 at the grocery store one day. She latched onto me as if holding on for dear life and told me the horror story that would be her daughter’s last days on Earth. It was state-sanctioned murder through forced starvation, forced dosages of “medicines” that were far above the legal limit, forced intubation, forced Covid tests that were administered over and over until a positive test was produced. Her daughter’s phone and clothes were taken from her. She had no contact with the outside world. She was reduced to an inmate in a kill-ward. My neighbor didn’t describe it to me the way I am describing it to you though. She put all of her faith in the medical institution that killed her daughter. She told the story with a shaky voice and tears welling up in her eyes, but always punctuating every sentence with the understanding that the doctors and hospitals knew best and did their very best to keep her alive.
She doesn’t understand how we are living in that Kill Box that Katherine Watt talked about and she doesn’t even know what The Prep Act is.
When my neighbor tells of how she was finally able to go to the hospital to say goodbye to her daughter she says it was like entering into another world. There was no noise. All of the patients were sedated and unconscious. All the medical staff were covered in hazmat suits with their faces covered. There was nothing to identify any of the staff. No name badges were displayed. She said you could hear a pin drop. There were no colorful blankets on the beds for the patients. There was plastic sheeting around doorways and everything was covered in plastic, all machines and furniture. She said she wasn’t even sure where to stand. She kept saying over and over again,”It was like something out of a movie.” She was only given a few minutes to say goodbye to her daughter, who she didn’t even recognize laying in the hospital bed and then was whisked out of the room by a nameless, faceless entity. Not soon after, her daughter perished.
My husband and I left the grocery store in shocked silence. We sat in the car for a few minutes absorbing everything our former neighbor had told us. I watched the cars driving in and out of the parking lot. I watched children running ahead to go get the shopping carts. I watched people lugging their groceries into the trunks of their vehicles.
I had just been made an accomplice to state-sanctioned murder and the world was acting as if nothing of the kind was even happening.
It’s been two years since we ran into our neighbor that day in Pittsburgh. Since then we have not seen or heard from her. But that day, standing there in the middle of the bread aisle, the entire world around me froze in time. The other shoppers disappeared from my periphery. Everything around me was out of focus; the colors dimmed around me. The fluorescent lights overhead somehow softened into a haze. I remember listening to her tell the story of her daughter’s murder and grabbing my husband’s arm, the weight of this unbearable knowledge shocking me and pressing on me and pushing me down into some small dark space. I felt dizzy and out of sorts.
Those few minutes at the grocery store never ever left me. It is forever imprinted in me and on me and I am somehow changed because of it.
So, when I heard of the 2021 medical murder of Paul Batts, it was as if I was re-living that moment all over again. The story was almost exactly the same except it sounds like Mr. Batts put up a good fight, especially when it came to being intubated.
His wife, Leslie Batts, tells the story of the medical murder of her husband. When I listened to this interview I was standing at my kitchen sink island doing dishes. I had to turn the water off and walk around the periphery of my island, to vent off the rising rage stirring inside of me, it was so upsetting to hear. My husband was in between meetings and left his home office only to come into the kitchen to see me doing this. When he heard a few minutes of Leslie’s story, he didn’t say a word. He knew. My heart was in my throat and my body just couldn’t remain standing still.
This is truly one of the most gut-wrenching interviews of medical murder you will ever hear and we have heard a lot over the years. I recommend you watch this with someone you live with or watch it via video conference with someone you are connected to.
I hope that Paul’s story is told and re-told, not to immunize us against the horrors of it or to become hardened or calloused to it but to use it as leverage, as a case-study or as an example of how militarized and unethical (to say the least) our hospitals have become.
Paul’s story, as well as my neighbor’s daughter’s story, started out because something happened that was beyond insidious. Nudging through the media was used to convince people of a thing that wasn’t a thing. It made us feel, in those early days of the Covid Operation, that if we didn’t buy a pulse oximetry device or take ourselves to the Emergency Room that we were being irresponsible. This was by design and sometimes it’s impossible for Americans to reconcile that our own government, in lockstep with our military, would turn the guns on us. This has been made possible via uninformed consent and no one, except starting with our government and its entire apparatus and then leading all the way up to the Bank of International Settlements, is to blame.
Medical state-sanctioned murder will continue if we don’t reverse the Prep Act. It has inverted standard of care and bastardized it to such an extent that hospitals have become nothing more than concentration camps and the innocent, unknowing patients who think they are doing the right thing are then financialized to such extremes that their very oxygen is used to pad the pockets of monsters. And apparently all of this can be done without one shred of consent.
We must become each other’s advocates in these days. Much on the internet is used to pull away that natural born inclination toward having each other’s backs. Funny how we have the backs of carefully crafted manipulated videos of people in other parts of the world, but who will support and advocate for Leslie Batts? She is without her husband and their son is now without his father.
We all have to start somewhere so a few weeks ago Leslie started the process for justice in the only way she could, through this petition. You can help her by signing it: https://www.change.org/p/petition-for-attorney-general-to-investigate
If you’re reading this and you are an influencer or have a popular platform, then reach out to Leslie and interview her. She gives her email in the video above. Her story needs to be told again and again.
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