In today’s audio broadcast, I discuss Robert Malone shielding the US Government and US Military from crimes against the American domestic population. Why does he think he has the right to insert himself into the families of influencers and disparage the name of a superior researcher?
Click the image to listen to today’s broadcast:

Here he is making himself the quasi-spokesman for Kingston’s family. Note the tone of Kingson’s brother’s statement. It’s threatening and vitriolic and demands people remove their content. It claims the exact same claims that Lusignan’s family claimed: You don’t know the situation, you don’t know us, fuck off. Why are Malone and Kuchler acting like blackshirts against the people? Don’t the people have the right to speculate and post? Don’t the people have a voice in this democratic republic of ours:
Here he is using the typical misogynistic response. She is a psycho apparently, not a brilliant researcher getting a little too close to the truth and of course anyone who shares her video is just a bot or a troll:
Pot calling the kettle black. Apparently Kingston is a bully and stalker and won’t listen to reason:
And here’s the threat. “You will only make matters worse”:
Isn’t it clear who Malone is at this point?
To support book of ours: