The last official announcement of the National Emergency for Concerning the Coronavirus Disease for the United States was February 18, 2022. Since National Emergencies have a 90 day expiration, this means the National Emergency ended as of May 18, 2022. What this means for the American people in general is that funding sources under Covid emergencies is no longer available. In fact, Biden even announced the pandemic is over.
This site claims the National Emergency is extended until February 2023. However, the White House’s last official record of extending the National Emergency was February 18, 2022.
Here is that Presidential Action
We recommend following all Presidential Actions in chronological order:
The significance of the July 15 and October 13 dates in regard to the Secretary of Health announcing that yes, we are still in a public health crisis (, is that there is no followup National Emergency as there has always been in the past.
As we’ve learned the DOD was always tasked with dispensing the counter-measures. This report discusses how that responsibility has been handed off to the HHS:
As we’ve also learned language in the Public Health Service Act has been bastardized so badly to the point of it being nothing more than an excuse to legally quarantine, force-inoculate and torture citizens and kill citizens outside of due process. Please follow the work of Katherine Watt to better comprehend this:
The implications of allowing the HHS to continue announcing at whim, in perpetuity with engorged power, that there is a public health emergency is dire.
Click this image to listen to today’s 15 minute commentary on Xavier Becerra:

In the above audio, I mention “Chief of Staff” – I was reading copy while I was recording (never a good idea) and accidentally said that phrase out loud. Ignore it.
Please click this link to learn how to officially file your affidavit of noncompliance in response to the continuation of fraud and war crimes:
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