Take a look at this article from 2011: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/social-media-is-a-tool-of-the-cia-seriously/
Wired’s response to The Onion: https://www.wired.com/wiredinsider/2011/05/facebook-invented-by-the-cia-says-the-onion/
Recently Mint Press News wrote a story about how former CIA agents are taking down Facebook content.
In an ironic twist, JP was put on a ban not long after this article was published. The reason he is banned from Facebook for two days is because the following post is about the CIA nudging operations:
Here is the post which resulted in his two day ban:
We don’t speak much about the “furry” or trans community. But there is one point we should probably make on this platform.
Nudging is a real thing. It’s a deceptive, psychological practice, that comes out of the CIA, and is utilized in practically every genre of life now.
We’ve talked about nudging before.
When the national emergency was declared on March 13, 2020 and within minutes the announcement came that an invisible virus had waged war on humans and to fight it, it was recommended humans shut down their businesses, stop going to school, shelter in place and only go out unless it was absolutely necessary, this was a major test of compliance and the nudging operations went into full swing: ad campaigns promoted this behavior, your government officials repeatedly made statements publicly encouraging you to engage in this behavior, every website you went to buy something had a banner splashed across it announcing Covid 19 was a thing and to remind you to engage in behavior to fight the thing.
Not long after this successful nudging campaign, another layer of nudging came in relation to fighting a non existent virus: the nudging to wear a mask everywhere. Then, not long after, came the nudging to allow humans to be experimented on with what was being referred to as a “vaccine.” What’s next? In order to fight this virus effectively, you will be nudged to cut off your hand?
Nudge nudge nudge.
After all is said and done, the nudging worked.
And, as this platform (book of ours) mentioned over and over again – starting in March 2020:
If you don’t resist the nudging, if you don’t fight the recommendations, mandates or even “orders” then the sky is the limit.
You can be convinced of anything, anywhere at any time.
So it felt like the Covid nudge was a trial balloon for other topics.
Since the public were convinced an invisible non existent virus was a thing and behavior was modified as a result, what else could the public be convinced of?
Children are actually animals to be fed and watered like the family pet dog or cat? Men are women? Women are men?
The sky is the limit. It doesn’t just end or begin anywhere.
The air is toxic, therefore nudging must happen to keep people inside.
The cars are killing the planet therefore people must be nudged to give up their cars.
People running for office speak on your behalf therefore the public must be nudged to vote.
Destroying a community and allowing partnerships with private entities and government funding to infiltrate, destroy and cannibalize the community is a good thing so the public must be nudged to accept this.
Friends need to be nudged to ghost, avoid, unfriend anyone who disagrees with them. After all, disagreements mean you’re putting me in danger. Individuals should be nudged to cut off anyone who puts them in danger.
The sky is the limit with this behavioral modification technique.
That’s a fancy way of saying nudging makes us slaves. And, there’s always profit to be made with slaves
Also mentioned in the audio below is the story of the 52 school buses that descended upon Ted Cruz’s home to memorialize and politicize the children who died of gun violence since 2020: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stefficao/ted-cruz-home-visited-by-nra-childrens-museum-buses
Recommend the movie “The Shipping News” https://youtu.be/wLPKXPviEqU
Attending Picklesburgh: https://www.picklesburgh.com/ and a Music Festival: http://deutschtownmusicfestival.com/
Click here to listen:

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