I don’t follow the Royals.
I could care less about any of their drama and I didn’t really have a reaction when Queen Elizabeth died. The only time I took the slightest interest in the Royal Family was when Netflix released The Crown. I was engaged in the timeline, amused by the inner squabbles and dramatic scenes, the music was always perfectly timed, the intro was creatively fashioned and I was fascinated with the way the Royal Family was portrayed. It was entertaining and I was entertained by its fiction.
Rather than repeat the same tired conspiratorial talking points that every TikTok and Twitter account has spread across the social media feeds, some even bleeding into mainstream media, I’ll just cut to the chase.
I am one of those people, and there’s not very many of us, that strongly speculate Kate Middleton is no longer alive.
Although I don’t know the Royal Family personally and I am not a Public Relations professional, I do know psychopaths when I see them and I do know that often times PR is used to soften their edges especially when they are famous.
Was Kate Middleton aware that over the years while she was dutifully keeping her busy calendar of Royal Duties that she was being dressed in and thus photographed wearing the exact clothes that Princess Diana wore? Did her wardrobe consultants ever bother to make this known to her? If they had, would she have agreed to it? I’d like to think she would not have agreed to it.
Was she aware of the December 18, 2023 Marie Claire article that compared her to Princess Diana even down to her fierce independence?
Did the Royal Family set all this up to give commoners the impression that she was attempting to embody the style and demeanor of a most beloved Princess who died at the tender age of 36 in 1997? If so, what was their reason for doing so? They must have known that comparing Kate to Diana would only endear her to the public.
We all know she’s been missing since Christmas Day, 2023 which makes the timing of the Marie Claire article, where she is practically designated as the ghost of Diana herself in every sentence, suspicious and off-putting.
I don’t believe she went in for abdominal surgery. Like I said I’m no PR expert, but I do know that “abdominal surgery” is sometimes code for “tummy tuck,” “abortion” or even a “hysterectomy” in famous-people speak. But on Christmas Day she looked independent, healthy and happy. Planned abdominal surgery just doesn’t fit the December 18, 2023 Marie Claire article nor the image of her on Christmas Day a week later.
A Spanish publication, Concha Calleja, announced she was in a coma. After the requisite public swipe by the Palace denying such outlandish allegations, they doubled down.
And, we all know it was the Palace PR team that hastily posted an obviously doctored photo of her with her children on UK Mother’s Day. When the Associated Press and all the American press affiliates killed the photo, literally memory-holing it into oblivion, it was probably the first time in Royal history that the American press stood up to the Royal Family. “We’re not pandering to your bullshit. Something stinks in your House and we’re not covering this story. You’re on your own.”
Since then another obviously doctored photo has emerged.
But, the very first photo that emerged of Kate was when she was leaving a private clinic sometime at the end of January with her mother. In the photo she is wearing sunglasses. Her face looks much rounder than normal and others have noted upon closer inspection she is missing her signature birthmark on her upper lip.
In 2014, a story about a UK woman emerged. She was leaving her professional career to become a full-time Kate Middleton look alike. Ironically, she holds the same last name as Kate’s mother-in-law, Spencer. The story of Christina Spencer, the Kate Middleton lookalike, doesn’t end there. In 2017, Business Insider floated another story that an American woman, Heidi Agan, is also a dead ringer for Kate. In 2022 People covered a story about an Australian woman that could also pass for Kate Middleton.
There are two thoughts regarding these lookalikes. The first is that one of them must have been placed in the car when allegedly “Kate” is seen leaving the clinic at the end of January this year. The second thought is that from this point forward any photos or videos we see of Kate making public appearances will probably be one of these three lookalikes.
But the most important aspect of floating the Kate Middleton lookalike stories out to the consciousness of readers and viewers of media is that she’s nothing special. She’s an ordinary, middle class white woman who could easily be replaced. This idea is suported by today’s piece from the New York Times. The title says it all doesn’t it? She’s not even allowed to have her own story about her own disappearnce or her own life. Her entire being, her memory and who she was is being swallowed up by something else.
The public has been on overdrive speculating the timelines, rehashing some sort of PR war between Markle and Middleton, running down talking points about doctored images and AI and other irrelevant distractions to keep people from focusing on the fact that a story about the 42 year old Middleton standing out on her own was published one week before her disappearance. In the Marie Claire article, it shows her wearing more civilian understated clothing and looking less like a Royal. Perhaps the Royal Family PR psychopaths or the Royal Family Psychopaths themselves felt threatened by this?
We are also told a story that Middleton is possibly at Windsor Castle recovering. One thing about Psychopaths and Royals. They’re not very creative. Apparently a car smashed into the side of the Castle this morning, injuring five passengers. I’ll bet you Diana’s sapphire earrings that Kate wore on the last day she was seen alive, that we will be told that she was one of the passengers. They’ve now closed all roads to Windsor Castle.
Look, I don’t want to be right about this and I’d love to be added to the pile of conspiracy theories for this one. But I have a feeling you all are going to be strung along for as long as they possibly can until the woman herself disappears down your memory holes.
Let’s just see how it plays out.
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