Protected: Friday Footnote: A Tale of Two Speeches
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Caste, Subtle Corporate Influence in Uninformed Communities, The Actuary Data
1. Thanking users who have been able to stay on…
Special Commentary: October Surprise
Hello, This is a followup to yesterday’s broadcast “Extermination.” Today…
In this Special Commentary, Julie includes the 30 minute disclosure…
Footnote: Episode 4: Are You Safe?
Hello! Welcome to Friday Footnote, a weekly audio podcast produced…
Herr Biden’s September 1, 2022 Speech
Some of the topics in today’s 30 minute commentary include:…
The Starbucks Photo That Lit A Hair-On-Fire Panic In User Nation
Whoever planted this photo on social media should be fed…
How To Pay Back A $1,000,000,000,000 Debt
Is it the Chinese Communist Party suddenly, without provocation, attempting…
Friday Freebie Footnote
Today at 3pm we will be releasing our Friday Freebie…
Protected: Footnote: Episode Three: Behavioral Modification
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