I know it’s already the 5th of January and usually prospects for what a New Year will bring are published by bloggers, content creators, writers, social media users and published authors within the first couple of days of the turning of the year, but I wanted to wait to see how things unfolded in the first week of 2023.
First, we are incredibly honored and moved that both Katherine Watt (https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/ and Sasha Latypova (https://sashalatypova.substack.com/) have mentioned our newest video essay, The New Constitution: Living War Crimes. Although you may not see our video essay on Ms. Latypova’s substack page, we are subscribed to her newsletter and she did email it in a substack cross-post, directing all her subscribers to Katherine Watt’s post which is a tribute to our work. We are so humbled by this mention and it explains why our view-count on this video essay jumped exponentially practically overnight.
Thank you Katherine and Sasha for the recognition.
Watch here:
Will this video essay, along with everything else all of us have learned over the last three years help to become a vehicle for change? Time will only tell and these things do take time. Patience is key.
People have actually asked us what we can expect to see for 2023. We are not oracles with a crystal ball but if we take a look at the biggest story that was kicked off and forced down our throats this week alone, then it might provide insight into our future. All of us barely had time to adjust from the engineered weather anomalies in San Francisco and even throughout the Northeast, when we were suddenly assaulted with an image of a young NFL inductee passing out on live television.
I think they are giving us a clue as to what we can expect for 2023, don’t you think?
Our answer to what 2023 may have in store is simple, and probably one that you won’t want to hear.
I suspect those on the right side of history, especially the doctors, will be so focused on the medical science around the countermeasures and the disastrous harms these countermeasures have caused that the fundamental framework of how we are valued (or de-valued) now in the face of our new existence may not get the attention it deserves. The overshadowing of what I believe to be the truer (notice I didn’t say “true”) story of the Damar Hamlin incident was my first clue.
Hardly anyone mentioned the fact that he made a very good tackle, prior to getting up then falling over. Nor did they mention how he was touching his helmet as if something was wrong just before falling over. Nor did they mention that he didn’t fall straight back, stiff like a board as we have seen so many athletes do in the past couple of years, whose heads have hit the ground, their bodies completely lifeless, nothing at all to break their fall. His fall wasn’t like that, it was as if he stumbled a bit then fell.
It seemed as if something outside of a shot or even outside of an impact had caused him to fall over. Some were even speculating that it didn’t look real, and speculated that he may be faking. I do believe he fell over, lost consciousness or became so dizzy he couldn’t stand up. After all, I’ve been that dizzy before too.
We speculate something else happened to him, maybe he ate or drank something that caused him to get woozy and pass out and its effects didn’t actually show up until after he made the tackle. Maybe there was some sort of voice-to-skull technology embedded in his helmet because he was, after all, touching his helmet before he fell over.
But however it was done, the fact that he was targeted is what people should see. Why was this still very green new NFL player targeted and what sort of message did it send to the viewers at large?
It’s no secret that the National Football League is nothing more than our modern day Gladiators and their owners trade these players as if they are chattel. Business deals are made or broken based on how well the team performs and even entire cities, like Pittsburgh, are built around their team’s revenue stream.
It’s barbaric and as a creative, an artist and a person that believes individuals should be lifted up based on their own merit, providing a rich tapestry of offerings to their cities or communities I simply don’t like this concept. Since moving to Pittsburgh four years ago it’s been challenging for me to warm up to the city based on the fact that there seems to be some sort of sports event blasting from every corner of the city itself, pushing aside anything else.
It feels as if the lockdown orders experienced early on in the age of Covid acted as cover for an opportunity for the NFL to restructure the way they run their business. If you’ve watched The New Constitution: Living War Crimes, or have been reading Bailiwick News (Katherine Watt’s substack page) regularly, then you would understand there isn’t anyone who could be held accountable for any medical injuries or emergencies these athletes sustain under certain, if not all, health measures. It feels as if the NFL is now nothing more than a primitive excuse to toy with these young men’s lives.
In my recent broadcast I went into great detail about what we’ve discovered about the small town that Damar Hamlin is from. We have lived in this small town, about 15 minutes outside of downtown Pittsburgh, for four years. Please listen to the broadcast so you can get a better idea of what it’s about, how he got his start and what we’ve personally seen since living here.
If we turn our attention to this profound statement by Katherine Watt in her substack article, and apply its message to the Damar Hamlin incident then it should be plain to see what 2023 holds for us:
“So, under a state of war, state of national emergency and/or state of public health emergency, all Americans are classified as enemies of the state (the District of Columbia federal government pretense1), as insurgents, rebels or aliens, and can be legally targeted for killing, using any weapons the federal government and its military deem appropriate, at the President and Defense Secretary’s discretion.”
I mentioned above it was clear Hamlin was targeted. I have also mentioned Jordan Rooney, who I assume is related to Art Rooney, II current owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Jordan Rooney has taken over Hamlin’s 2020 toy drive go-fund-me page and since Hamlin fell over, it has made millions and I imagine it’s continuing to grow.
We don’t believe legitimate donations are the sole reason this small go-fund-me toy drive suddenly went into the millions, within hours of Hamlin losing consciousness. We believe it is being used as a slush fund, and wealthy investors are dumping their money into it, since Hamlin himself originates from an opportunity zone. Opportunity Zones act as tax havens for the investor class, the non profit industry and the tech industry.
As I said above the NFL operates differently now. Although still a modern day Gladiator spectacle, at least the chattel were paid exorbitant salaries and could leverage risking their long term health over millions of dollars in sponsorships or even salaries. But with the Demar Hamlin story, what we are seeing is someone who had no sponsorships, and I’m sure since he was so new to the NFL his salary was on the lower end. I guess what I’m trying to say is it feels like his owners targeted him and felled him like an ox in order to leverage more money into the small toy drive campaign he had started.
For instance, the NFL will scour these tax haven Opportunity Zones, offer a student a scholarship to go to a private school and college, and before any real investment is made into the player, encourage him to create some sort of non profit or money raising scam in the Opportunity Zone, then after an appropriate amount of time and before the player gets too popular, dispose of him. As we saw in Hamlin’s case, an outside representative like Jordan Rooney will then take over the fund and like the way Opportunity Zones work, allow the vulture capitalists to engorge its value, giving them an instant tax haven. And, as long as this is in Demar Hamlin’s name and the media markets this as an act of philanthropy or good works, no one will question it.
This is not only a grift, but it’s now a mercenary scam. Where an actual, innocent life who believes he is headed into a new career, is shot down and traded for nothing more than a profit-making scam.
I believe the NFL, the Pittsburgh Steelers and any other tentacle wrapped around Demar Hamlin’s existence believes him to be nothing more than morally insignificant chattel.
“The central bankers and their national government accomplices see all of the people as legally enemy aliens or enemy insurrectionists and morally-insignificant chattel property or contract collateral that can be attacked and disposed of with impunity to balance financial books and for other purposes.” – Katherine Watt
When I witnessed Hamlin fall down on the field, I had recently read Katherine Watt’s statement above and it rang crystal clear in my mind that Hamlin was used as a way to leverage more money into a community (McKees Rocks) that is already so picked apart by vulture capitalism. But it also must be acknowledged that the people in this community see no benefit of this. There are still potholes in the streets, large sinkholes that fill up with water, abandoned blighted buildings that are an eyesore on every street, vacant lots overrun with trash and vermin. There are no playgrounds for the children to play in.
So, I think what we will see for 2023 we’ve literally just seen: an innocent person was targeted; that targeting is being misconstrued as either an event as a result of a shot or as a heart attack from impact. How easy it is now for these doctors (even the ones on the right side of history) to act as cover for a simple poisoning or a simple technology that could cause someone to become so dizzy they fall over. Then use that person or event to commit more crimes of atrocities on small communities.
The Damar Hamlin story illustrates what 2023 holds for us.
So, if you want to see what the future 2023 holds, come to McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania and see for yourself what a modern day chattel system looks like.
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