Is it within the realm of possibility that the campaign around a virus, shoving itself into our board rooms all across corporate America, balancing algorithms in social-media-feeds perfectly timed in between our streaming kitten videos, calculating ratings by strategically placing commercials in between our favorite tv shows and streaming entertainment, bookmarking our patriotic duty at the end of our daily allegiances in our educational facilities and praying urgently from the pulpit for healing of those afflicted, and last but not least newscasters frantically counting the rising death toll in a 24-hour news cycle of a round-the-clock wartime reel, reminiscent of World War II propaganda, could possibly be a military exercise in action?
Where else could such a perfectly timed marketing campaign come from?
We are all aware the Dept. of Defense is working in tandem with outside interests, whether national or supra-national, whether corporate or government to deploy a counter-measure prototype launched as a bio-weapon, on civilians en masse.
Therefore, isn’t it possible that the functionality around the popularized marketing of a virus would be deployed in the same measure? The air raids on hospitals that destroyed them from within came in the form of the media and hospital administrators acting as spokespersons for the DOD, “Hospitals are at full capacity because of the virus,” they said. So, hospitals were emptied. (One of the first indicators of a wartime situation in real-time is when hospitals are about to be bombed and destroyed by the enemy and they must quickly be evacuated for the safety of patients and staff.) (What is the second indicator of a war situation in real-time? The evacuation of schools.) The bombing campaigns that crumbled our elementary schools came in the form of chain-of-command memos distributed to school principals with military-like accuracy and precision, “We are closing our doors and your children will be sent home to continue their education there, because of the virus,” they announced.
All of this early 2020 marketing and media and psychological-terror-conditioning took place at the same time that people were actually getting sick. What were they getting sick from? Some people say it was all in their mind. Some people say it was the common cold marketed as something worse. Some people say it was fake news. Some people say it was just general sickness from poor diet and low grade toxin build-up over centuries of benign neglect and cost cutting measures allowing for toxins or additives in food and household products. Some people said it was just fast food overdose.
Is it within the realm of possibility that it could be ALL those things AND that a small portion of the 2019 flu shots could have been replaced with a toxin of some sort? In the same way you understand the Covid shot was deployed as a bioweapon on an unsuspecting population, could you come to the same rational conclusion that the toxin which was being labeled as a virus could have come straight out of the biological and chemical weapons programs long-curated and practiced in military-grade labs? Could that toxin have stealthily replaced flu vaccine parcels of vials then been strategically dispersed out to a small portion of the population?
The provenance of tracking these strategically deployed vials would be easy to monitor through vial distribution as opposed to randomly dumping weapons-grade toxins in the water, for instance.
How much time and energy went into researching which neighborhoods and communities would most likely believe a virus narrative once the toxin was injected into the arms of unsuspecting civilians thinking they were getting their annual flu shot? How many years of research would this take? Would poorer communities adopt the virus story, or more wealthy communities? Would communities who typically vote democrat adopt it or would largely-republican-voting areas adopt it? What sort of demographic, education, police support are in these communities? All of this information and data-gathering would absolutely factor into where to sneakily replace flu vials with military grade toxins. And, all of this information was made possible through decades of consumer-tracking, voter registration tracking, market research, polls, clicks, likes and purchasing power.
I do feel like a broken record. I said this three years ago in 2020 and I’ll keep saying it: this is a military exercise from beginning to end.
To reiterate (for the ten millionth time in plain English for people who don’t know what words mean and for first time readers/viewers who haven’t been following us for the last three years): I always believed this was a military exercise. The Covid narrative and its deployment of all things “virus” and all things “vaccine” was a military exercise and was perhaps even used as cover for hot war operations as tensions rose in the Middle East and China.
Ms. Watt and Ms. Latypova laid it out very well and I creatively put it together in War Crimes.
But now we have to ask ourselves, where do we stand now that the covid public health emergency will end on May 11, 2023? Where does that leave the military? What does the DOD gain with the ending of the National Emergency? Where does that leave the civilian population? Where does that leave industry and stakeholders? Where does that leave our medical and pharmaceutical industry? Living under a National Emergency funding stream has created a way of life for people in the last three years, and if that funding stream ends due to the National Emergency ending, how will that affect our day-to-day life and what role does the DOD have in the announcement of the Emergency status ending on May 11?
Not to get too far off the point of this piece, but May 11 is “National Eat What You Want Day.” Did you know that? What a day to end the corrosive and oppressive, not to mention entirely fraudulent National Emergency! Is Biden channeling Marie-Antoinette and announcing in his own bizarre way, “Let them eat cake”? Or something like, “Let them go out and have fun and party and be gluttonous and eat what they want, for tomorrow we die.” I for one planned on celebrating and toasting this momentous day. Honestly. I planned on toasting a glass of champagne with my husband and perhaps enjoying a nice dinner out. This immiserating National Emergency is finally, once and for all, coming to an end. Or, am I just playing right into the Devious Hands at Work?
Since this is a military exercise from beginning to end, I equate the May 11 announcement of the end of the National Covid Emergency with a military reprieve, like when soldiers go on leave. We’re going to get a reprieve before The Next Big Thing or before the next assignment is foisted upon us.
I first became interested in thinking of this as a military exercise years ago, specifically on March 13, 2020 when the National Emergency was originally declared then soon after, when the Defense Production Act was invoked (both indicators of a wartime situation) and this thought was cemented in my mind when I started to think about our country’s military readiness in the face of a National Emergency; but more importantly our lack of readiness in the face of vast swaths of military personnel suddenly leaving their assignments, becoming disabled or even dying.
In October 2022 I visited family. One family member who is in the military told me someone in his chain of command mentioned that for some strange reason military personnel were leaving the military to seek other work. I may have said something like “Well, tech does pay pretty well…” But then it occurred to me that The Reason military personnel were no longer in the military were for the same reasons employees in the corporate sector were also no longer employed in their positions; they were either dead or disabled and the timing was suspect on both counts: it came after mandated covid shots and boosters were a requirement in order to keep their positions.
I recently read somewhere OSHA is deciding this week on the permanent requirement of masking of medical personnel. This too feels like a military action. Unless in surgery, there is no reason for any medical staff to wear masks. This is what’s called a “tell.” What this tells us is that the medical industry and the DOD are still acting as one, in fact I would argue that the DOD and its funding, resources, technology and optics have been re-homed directly into any and all health-related industry in the United States. This is why it’s being decided if medical personnel will be required to wear masks while the rest of the world: hospitality, education, tech, real estate, retail, etc. won’t be required to. Our medical industry experienced its own coup and the forceful enslavement of all staff in masks should be the best indicator that they’ve been captured. Plus, when they murder patients, which they will continue to do it will be difficult to identify them when behind their mask if they happen to “forget” to wear their identity badges.
This is a military exercise from beginning to end and with that comes something I like to call “soft collateral.” (It’s my own term). During lockdown (This term was widely adopted among the civilian population which had never been done before so casually, which is another tell that this is a military operation seeping into our culture. Who “locks down” a free society? And since when does that free society start dropping it in regular, day-to-day casual conversation?) Anyway, during “lockdown” care home facilities, also known as nursing homes or elder care facilities, refused to let family members come visit their elderly members in the care homes. It was during this time, under the guise of a pandemic or a virus, that the elderly were murdered right under our noses. Most did not die of the “pandemic” in 2020 or 2021. They died of neglect and abuse. This included leaving them to rot in their own waste, starving them or outright beating them if they fought to see their loved ones or cried out for help. Were the DOD and its military directly responsible for the murder of our elderly? No. Ultimately they set the pace for lockdown, instructing various sectors to close their doors to outside visitors. However, they are complicit in that there was no one on sight in these care homes to monitor the treatment of the elderly or set up decent, humanizing methods to ensure the elderly were properly cared for. They simply dropped their orders into a group of individuals, elder care workers to be specific, who have a long history of incompetence, neglect, abuse and improper training when it comes to end-of-life dignity care for our elderly. Classic DOD move to be honest: just drop the orders and let The Simpleton Order Following Good Germans do the actual killing.
BUT WHAT ABOUT ACTUAL COLLATERAL DAMAGE? So glad you asked. In a military occupation collateral damage is a given. In 2020, prior to vaccine rollout the psychological and terrorizing toll lockdown measures and mask rules took on the general population was a horrifying and gut-wrenching indicator of the fragility of the human spirit. Suicide rose to heights never seen. For the first time in history, we saw suicide in children. Traumatized rape victims found themselves re-living the most horrific experience of their life as they were forced to suffocate themselves just to go buy milk. Never underestimate post traumatic stress and how it can resurface at the most unlikely moments in life. Tenderness and care and respect for human life and dignity, which we’d always been told would be the thing that brings us together as humans and as Americans, was kicked to the curb and replaced with beratement, judgment, hatred and vile disgust for non-order-followers. I was bullied on a public bus by a woman three times my size. My husband and I were kicked off a public bus at night. Families started acting insanely authoritarian forcing their own relatives to take PCR tests to attend Thanksgiving dinner or birthday parties. The collateral damage of 2020 and 2021 has forever destroyed family ties, connections and bonds that took lifetimes to forge. And, within a year or two it was all shredded and tattered. Those who always felt confident with their friends and family and as if they were safe from marginalization and othering found themselves on the outs in a vastly unkind and lifeless wilderness they’d never experienced before. This was collateral damage of the human spirit and soul. And it was all part of the military plan of action: splinter your enemy and divide them up to weaken them. And it worked.
But, collateral damage wasn’t just psychological. It was also physiological. For instance, in early 2022 my husband went to the local swimming pool in the morning to swim some laps. He was around individuals who had recently imbibed the Covid booster. The next day he lost consciousness and fell flat, like a tree, in our kitchen, hitting his jaw and face on the way down. I too experienced my own collateral damage multiple times after being around the recently-inoculated. I’ve experienced something that felt like inverted lungs at one time, another time a very bad flu and then recently diagnosed with sudden inexplicable bone disintegration that only took a handful of months to present. Those who have chosen not to imbibe the counter-measure are reaping the health consequences of those who have. Our bodies and health are directly affected by the transference of military-grade bioweapons and toxins which are designed to do the very thing they are doing: inoculating the public by the public, and at the very least acting as vessels to disperse the bio-weapon. This is collateral damage. When a building is blown up by the military, this can create a set of circumstances or chain reactions that directly affect other structures miles down the road. This isn’t a difficult concept to grasp, this idea of collateral damage via the inoculated. Yet I am baffled as to why people refuse to even acknowledge that transference of a military grade bio-weapon would not only kill or disable its host, but those around the host as well.
This is a military exercise through and through. One of the most obvious indicators of it is the invoking of The Defense Production Act. Although the National Emergency for Covid Response is ending on May 11, 2023 there doesn’t seem to be any movement toward ending the use of The Defense Production Act. As long as the DPA is still in effect then all means of production and all stakeholders within the United States and its various economies will have a vested interest in keeping the DOD and its tentacles of power and influence wrapped around every facet of our life and culture. This is why Health and Human Services can allow for investments in unapproved biologics for example. The DPA is the primary source of Presidential authorities to expedite and expand the supply of resources from the U.S. industrial base to support military, energy, space, and homeland security programs. This includes CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) This means that all regulatory systems that would oversee or halt the production of potentially harmful elements are suspended.
A military exercise has its own set of twists and turns often incorporating chaos and confusion to cover up its own caustic cause. Maybe a secretly recorded video will suddenly emerge, causing the public to rush to an assumption about something meaningless. Individuals with checkered histories will be flaunted out in front so the public can get lost going down rabbit holes or peel back the onion of this individual’s life. Your favorite alterna-journo will suddenly popularize and provide frantic, explosive new information that must be shared immediately. There will be new sets of heroes and new sets of enemies every single day to challenge your practical, pragmatic side. There will definitely be trolls in User Nation (social media) to anger, inflame and gaslight. And, there will be covert operations right here on our own soil that mimic color revolutions. Social movement organizations will suddenly erupt in protest of some cause de jour.
In a military exercise political players, stakeholders, big business and even non-state actors stand to gain tremendously at the expense of civilians.
In this particular military exercise we are experiencing localized national hybrid warfare, which will most likely be the topic of my next video essay.
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Fabulous article. You covered the core of it all in well articulated thoughts based on your years of methodical and thorough research, adding your astute, intelligent thoughts and opinions on such a horrific, intentional military operation.
To add, it was also the aggressive use of Remdisavir which causes kidney failure, combined with isolation, that killed the nursing home patients (and the early use of ventilators in hospitals killed the first wave of patients, esp. in NY; there was a lucrative financial incentive to use the vents and to claim a patient died of well as one for using Remdisavir.)