For Newsom to be installed as the Democratic Nominee for President of the United States in the 2024 General Election, you should probably pay attention to history.
We have to begin with the premise that the Democratic Party is done with Biden. Once that is established it all kind of falls into place. And, personally, we don’t think he will even be any kind of official nominee in 2024.
We also have to accept the fact that the American concept of democracy or elections is now a farce. We all know we have selections, not elections, and it’s been over for a while now. So, simply put, the establishment that runs this banana republic does not want an election. But, they’ll attempt to make it look legit. Furthermore, RFK, Jr. is a risk the establishment just cannot take.
Personally we believe RFK, Jr. exists as the John the Baptist to the idea of Biden or Newsom. He will lure the progressives and democrats and even republicans into the party then hand those voters over to Biden or Newsom.
The media will assist in making it look like Biden is a shoe-in. They’ll continue this hype all the way up to the Primaries. The truth is, though the Establishment isn’t interested in primary debates. They’re not interested in what anyone brings to the campaign table even establishment hacks like Harris or even Buttiegieg. They’re only interested in the status quo and that would be Newsom.
But, for the sake of argument and for making things look legit, they’ll probably have some sort of dog and pony show that looks like a primary. When the Primaries are over the establishment narrative will still double down on Biden being the One. They’ll make it look like he defeated Marianne Williamson, RFK, Jr. and any other Democratic Candidate. This will be a much similar outcome as we had in 2020, where Biden will be the Primary Nominee. They’ll continue this all the way up to the DNC Convention.
Here’s where your knowledge of history is important. The 2024 Democratic Convention will take place on August 19-22, 2024 in the United Center in Chicago, IL. The most controversial and brutal Democratic Convention in our political history also took place in Chicago in 1968, just months after Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. We’re not saying his son, RFK, Jr. will be assassinated, because in the 21st century it’s easier to just disappear an influencer or politician and remove them off social media and kill their presence from your feed than it is to actually kill them. But, it is an interesting choice of location for the 2024 Democratic National Convention.
We believe Biden will step down as a nominee at the Convention or something else will happen to make it that he’s simply not the Nominee. Maybe he will use his age or his family controversy as an excuse to step down. Important to note, he can’t officially step down because that means Harris takes his place. So, they’ll have to play a swift jujitsu. He will ride out the end of his term and then he’ll campaign alongside their next Chosen Nominee, which will be Newsom.
Keeping in mind, when thinking about the Democratic Convention in Chicago, much like the 1968 Convention there might be controversy and planned or staged rioting, but it won’t be the real deal like it was in 1968. At the Convention in 2024 the delegates will vote on the new nominee and most likely it will be Newsom at this point.
The Establishment may play fealty to the idea of Harris as the nominee but both Newsom and Harris are from the Seat of Empire, San Francisco, so it wouldn’t look right. But since when does the Establishment care what things look like even if Newsom and Harris served together during the same term while Newsom was Mayor of San Francisco and Harris was District Attorney of San Francisco.
The truth is, though, it’s the Democratic National Convention in Chicago that’s key. It’s how votes are circumvented and installations take place. With Biden most likely announcing his not running for the next election cycle, the Delegates will then be forced to vote in a new nominee. They’ll select Newsom despite the fact that the voters the delegates represent are unhappy with yet another Establishment figurehead being “voted” in. We’ve seen this movie before, at least twice now, if not historically over years and years.
Because the truth is, the race they really want is Newsom v. DeSantis. Both are family men. Both are younger and will appeal to establishment politics and both look good on camera together. The debate between Newsom and DeSantis just looks good on stage, doesn’t it?
And that’s how you get Gavin Newsom.
To support book of ours:
So astute.