Many businesses are refusing to service people who can’t wear a mask, or be socially engineered by being forced to stand in circles or squares as if they are inmates at Guantanamo Bay.

This refusal of service to free thinking, “free” Americans, is a violation of public accommodation law and Constitutional law and well, human rights.
In 2020, we learned that businesses are choosing to fund themselves by accepting the loans or grant money from the government through the stimulus packages. There is currently a $2.3 trillion stimulus package on the table, apparently.
Again, I’m not the news, people. I write poetry and make cool videos and stuff. If you want hard hitting 10,000 word articles written on current events, like 5,000 page stimulus packages fronting as more national defense bullshit, there are plenty of researchers out there you can choose from.
Anyway, if businesses take the stimulus money they are required to follow the guidelines and rules attached to the taking of that money. It’s kind of like this, “Here’s your loan. Now go over to this government approved agency, that we created just for this situation, to get your COVID19 approval rating.”
I hope you’re following my leaps of logic here. It’s ok if you’re not.
Within these government approved agencies (and there are a lot) are all sorts of rules. “Since you took the loan, or the money from the stimulus package, place the stickers on the floor. Use this sterilizer to wipe down all shelves and keypads. Enforce the mask on your customers and staff. Install the surveillance. You know, for the safety of your business. After all, if you don’t follow these rules, it’d be a shame if something happened to that business of yours.”
Free thinking sovereign human beings don’t want to stand in circles, be barked at by the guy stacking grocery carts or be chased down by store managers. And these free thinking sovereign humans have the right to be served.
(I would love to do a montage of various found videos of hysterical assistant managers at CostCo berating a haggard mother of three because her tots won’t wear a mask, or the buggy stacker chasing down shoppers who won’t wear a mask, or the guy who serves coffee at Starbucks issuing military commands like a deranged IDF agent because he won’t serve the strawberry frap to the teenager who forgot her mask that day – all to the tune of “Wacky Sax.”)
So how do you get away with continued violations? How do you get away with refusing service to those who have a right to be treated equally?
You go ahead and refuse them service anyway. The human (or the consumer, the customer in other words) either walks away, dejected and goes to social media to share their awful experience. Or, they take the business or individual to court to sue them for violation of their right to be served.
Right now, there is legislation embedded in the latest “stimulus” package that is being proposed to make it so that all businesses that violate rights (constitutionally protected rights or human rights, take your pick) would be protected from being sued.
If passed, then the courts can’t or won’t do anything to compensate you for your rights being violated. What should happen is that any language like this, embedded in the latest stimulus package, should be killed immediately.
But, if it passes, then this is how you live in a Constitutional republic while simultaneously not benefitting from the protections that that Constitution allegedly offers.
How do you get it to not pass? You tell your Rep. or Congress critter that you won’t stalk their offices or make loud annoying noises in front of their state houses if they refuse to sign on to this legislation. You know, because it would be a shame for that nice office to be egged, daily.
How do you exist in a Constitutional republic, where a so-called free society proudly allows human rights violations to be committed with abandon and there’s nothing you can do about it?
You avoid them.
Some upstarts in Pennsylvania started a website.
(Pardon the incorrect language in the second paragraph on the home page. Blame the shoddy school system here, not the individual who went to the trouble of making this great site):
List of Pennsylvania diners who are not violating human rights
That’s how you do it.
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