As of Christmas Eve, 2020 (December 24, 2020) mainstream press is saying there is a stronger more contagious variant of the disease COVID19 making its way across Europe.
Book of Ours has stated firmly since *day one* (for us day one is March 13, 2020 – when Donald Trump declared the USA in a national emergency) that the coronavirus that caused the so-called “disease” COVID19 is a normal common cold and that the disease COVID19 doesn’t exist. We believe the term COVID19 is nothing more than a marketing campaign. We don’t believe the disease even exists anywhere in the world. We don’t believe it was made in a lab in China. We don’t even believe that anyone has died from it.What you are witnessing is a well executed, slick, professional trans national – world wide – marketing campaign.
We stated this on March 13, 2020 and we have never stopped saying it. Every health agency in every country, including our Centers for Disease Control, and the UK’s National Health System, is working with corporations, tech companies, “philanthropic” foundations & investors who have occupied our government- to promote a situation in which every person on the planet who is not working in tech, who is not working in government, who is not working in the military, who is not working in the various philanthropic foundations, who is not working in the media and who is not working in finance or investing, shall be diminished into a slave or exterminated.
Therefore, we can see through mainstream press – who is also working with these bad actors – that their latest coverage of a more contagious variant of the non existent COVID19 rampaging its way through Europe right now (this would be the “second wave” that Bill & Melinda Gates warned about in that video clip where they smiled so glibly at the end – that video clip by the way was a recording – it wasn’t a part of an interview – it was a recording of the two of them pretending to be interviewed – it wasn’t a part of a longer clip – that recording where you see them smiling at the end is all there is – they created it to throw you a scary bone to chew on) is a sign that most likely life, such as schools and businesses deemed non essential will come to a complete halt , first in Europe and then in the United States.
UK people visiting the USA have now been told they have to test negative – right now – if they wish to travel by airline back to the USA. Even mainstream press (an NPR article I read) said plainly it was a genetic test. So, the tests aren’t testing for a non existent disease. They’re taking your DNA to store into a database. How do you fight this? It’s not complicated. It’s not even that scary.
You defy it by going into the small businesses anyway and giving them your business. If you need to fly and don’t want to take the test then you have some serious thinking to do. You defy it by having groups of people meet at your house to discuss this marketing campaign, its goals, and how to figure out a way to live outside of a system that wants to either enslave or exterminate.
You stop wearing a mask. Right now your mask is just your training device to train you to have a Pavlovian obedient response to orders. You’re not a dog. You’re a human being. If you’re a business, you stop closing your doors, you stop forcing your customers or your guests to wear a muzzle on their faces and you operate and function with professionalism, courtesy and pride. It doesn’t matter if the graphs show a spike in cases.
It doesn’t matter if the PCR test wasn’t made to test non existent diseases. Of course it wasn’t. COVID-19 is a marketing idea, created to cause an emotional response from the public.
The United States especially doesn’t function with logic and reason. We are an extremely dysfunctional country that puts our faith in magical thinking exercises.
Book of Ours exists to describe this. In this description hopefully you can feel enlightened and empowered. The goal is to get the human race to stop feeling the feelings that come out of a fearmongering fake disease. The end goal is to exterminate or enslave. Our goal is to get you to feel authentically. We want you to feel an authentic feeling in response to the knowledge that from day one you have been lied to, manipulated and abused. If you keep capitulating and obeying and following orders the abuse will only get worse.
Book of Ours are working artists and could really use your help. By becoming a patron at you can help support us as we continue to archive history in unique and creative ways through our video essays in the Age of Covid. You can find all of our work at